I need to upgrade an old JIRA plugin to the latest SDK. At the moment I have problems, that the locales are not loaded correctly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
title="" directory_title=""
description="" author=""
screenshot="#staticResourceUrl("", "Starscreenshot.png")"
thumbnail="#staticResourceUrl("", "thumbnail.png")">
<Optional feature="gadget-directory">
<Param name="categories">
<Optional feature="atlassian.util" />
<Optional feature="auth-refresh" />
<Optional feature="dynamic-height" />
<Require feature="views" />
<Require feature="settitle"/>
<Require feature="oauthpopup" />
<Require feature="setprefs" />
<Locale messages="__ATLASSIAN_BASE_URL__/download/resources/"/>
<UserPref name="isConfigured" datatype="hidden" default_value="false"/>
<UserPref name="firstTime" datatype="hidden" default_value="true"/>
<UserPref name="projectId" display_name="Project" datatype="hidden"/>
<Content type="html" view="profile">
<script type="text/javascript">
const gadget = AJS.Gadget({
baseUrl: "__ATLASSIAN_BASE_URL__",
config: {
descriptor: function (args) {
var gadget = this;
var projectPicker = AJS.gadget.fields.projectPicker(
return {
theme: (function () {
if (gadgets.window.getViewportDimensions().width < 450) {
return "gdt top-label";
} else {
return "gdt";
fields: [projectPicker, AJS.gadget.fields.nowConfigured()],
args: (function () {
return [
key: "projectOptions",
ajaxOptions: "/rest/gadget/1.0/filtersAndProjects?showFilters=false",
view: {
template: function (args) {
The save button is empty, all titles have inside instead of the name. How I can find out what's the problem is? When I move the position of supportedLocales in the code more up, the save button is shown correctly, but order string are not shown. If I'm moving it down, other strings are shown, but the save button is not working. I have some kind of initialization problem in my plugin. By • Local
本文标签: JIRA Gadget not loading localesStack Overflow
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