I want to delete appsettings.json from the publish folder after publishing the web application. I've added a bat file to do the job and call it on AfterTargets="Publish". My bat file gets executed fine, but it seems the published files are copied in the folder after the script has been called. How can I achieve my goal (without using time delay in the bat)?
The publish profile looks like this:
<LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
I've set the target in MyWebApp.csproj:
<Target Name="AfterPublishDelSet" AfterTargets="Publish">
<Exec Command="dset.bat $(PublishUrl)" />
dset.bat changes the directory and tries to delete appsettings.json:
cd %1
IF EXIST appsettings.json (
del appsettings.json
) ELSE (
ECHO "appsettings.json not found"
And the output seems to indicate that the files are copied in the publish dir from PubTmp\Out after the script is called:
MyWebApp -> C:\MyWebApp\MyWebApp\obj\Release\net9.0\PubTmp\Out\
clearSettings.bat C:\Publish\MyWebApp
"appsettings.json not found"
Web App was published successfully file:///C:/Publish/MyWebApp
本文标签: Visual Studio 2022 Community Publish event called too earlyStack Overflow
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