

I am using the Java SuiteTalk SDK v2023_1 to fetch all items, and the following code works fine for retrieving basic item details:

ItemSearchBasic itemSearchBasic = new ItemSearchBasic();

try {
      SearchResult searchResult = client.callSearch(itemSearchBasic);
      final String jobId = client.getLastJobId();
      processCatalogSearchResult(searchResult, catalogRecords);
catch (RemoteException e) {
      throw new NetsuiteServiceException("Error while searching for catalog items", e);

However, my problem is that the pricingMatrix field is not being populated in the returned results.

Does anyone know how to fetch the pricingMatrix field along with the item data? Any insights on adding this field to the search or configuring the request would be greatly appreciated.

本文标签: soapNetSuite SuiteTalk Java SDK v20231 How to Populate pricingMatrix in Item Search ResultsStack Overflow