Say that I am making a Block that accepts between 2 and 5 images with the MediaUpload component as input. How would I go about that? Ideally for UI I would like the multiple and addToGallery props to both be true.
There must be a simple solution for this, given how common the use case is, but I haven't been able to find anything on the documentation, StackOverflow, or Google.
There are old clunky answers about globally filtering the image upload prefilter, but I need this to be scoped to specific blocks (and ideally a javascript solution.)
Here is my existing code if it's helpful:
multiple={ true }
gallery={ true }
onSelect={ (media) => onSelectSliders(media) }
allowedTypes={ ['image'] }
value={ sliderimages.length && => }
render={ ({open}) => {
return (
isPrimary={ true }
onClick={ (event) => {
} }
{ sliderimages.length > 0 ? __('Edit Images', 'namespace') : __('Upload Images', 'namespace') }
} }
/* Handler function */
function onSelectSliders(media){
let newmedia = media.length > 5 ? media.slice(0, 5) : media;
setAttributes({ sliderimages: newmedia})
本文标签: mediaSet a minimum and maximum limit of images to select in the MediaUpload component for Block
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