

Could somebody please help me with rebinding CTRL+D and CTRL+U to the same function as before but with it automatically pressing zz to center the line of code to the middle of the screen?

This is my current .json setup in VS Code for it (it doesn't work):

{ "before": ["<C-d>"], "after": ["<C-d>zz"] },
{ "before": ["<C-u>"], "after": ["<C-u>zz"] },

Thank you! :3

I already tried this line of code:

{ "before": ["<C-d>"], "after": ["<C-d>zz"] },
{ "before": ["<C-u>"], "after": ["<C-u>zz"] },

but this just stopped the two motions from working. What i want to happen when I press CTRL+D or CTRL+U is: CTRL+D/U + zz

本文标签: jsonHow to add extra keys to a Vim motion in VSCodeStack Overflow