

Do we have any function which returns all the error messages while validating a form?

I have tried using the defaultshowerros() function but it returns the error message for the element it is currently validating. How can I get all the error messages of the whole form?

Do we have any function which returns all the error messages while validating a form?

I have tried using the defaultshowerros() function but it returns the error message for the element it is currently validating. How can I get all the error messages of the whole form?

Share Improve this question edited Sep 28, 2010 at 10:06 Nick Craver 630k138 gold badges1.3k silver badges1.2k bronze badges asked Sep 28, 2010 at 8:42 Vaibhav JainVaibhav Jain 34.4k47 gold badges115 silver badges165 bronze badges 2
  • could you provide a link to the validation plugin you are using? Or even better some source code :) – Flatlin3 Commented Sep 28, 2010 at 8:47
  • I am using this plugin – Vaibhav Jain Commented Sep 28, 2010 at 8:49
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3 Answers 3

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If you store a reference to the validator, for example:

var validator = $("form").validate();

You can call .errors() or .invalidElements() at any time on it, for example:

var errors = validator.errors(); //get the error elements, the actual labels
var errors = validator.invalidElements(); //the invalid elements themselves

If you're not really after the errors and just want them to appear in once place, use the built-in errorLabelContainer and wrapper options, for example:

<ul id="errors"></ul>

And reference that:

$("form").validate({ errorLabelContainer: "#errors", wrapper: "li" });

And your errors would appear all in that list, which is also automatically shown/hidden if there are/aren't any errors.

The validation plugin should show an error beside the field where the error is. Are you using id's for your input boxes? If so use a name as well and give jquery the value of the name attribute in your rules and messages. Hope this helps.

Late to the party, but I found you can also instantiate the validate() object with a invalidHandler() function:

var $jqvForm = $(".jqvForm").validate({
    invalidHandler: function(e, validation){
        console.log("invalidHandler : event", e);
        console.log("invalidHandler : validation", validation);

The validation variable contains a variable invalid (object) with form items and their error messages.

本文标签: javascriptHow can I show errors in jQuery validationStack Overflow