The new style WordPress comes with a navigation block. I have a theme which makes use of this in the template parts for the header as do patterns from the WordPress pattern directory. This navigation block has a setting for mobile overlay menu on or off. If on it is responsive. But - effect is unusable (ok. maybe it is a matter of opinion). It overlays all the page content with a white block and you just see the menu. You can select from it and it works. But, for me this effect is totally clinical. I just want a standard navigation - which is responsive (with a little menu button on mobile) but which when expanded pushes the page content down a bit to show the menu. This is how the Bootstrap Nav component works.
Can I edit the WordPress navigation - or is there an alternative block? How do other people deal with this problem? (I can't believe that many people are using this awful navigation block with its modal display on mobile).
Thank you
本文标签: How to fix navigation block in WordPress (site editor)
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