

I have an input box which accepts the value for div width. Using angular.js, How can you change div's width based on user input? I have implemented following code after referring this fiddle./


 <input type="text" id="gcols" placeholder="Number of Columns" ng-model="cols" ng-change="flush()"/>

<div getWidth rowHeight=cols ng-repeat="div in divs">{{$index+1}} aaaaaa</div>


var grid = angular.module('gridApp', []);

grid.controller('control', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

    /* code for repeating divs based on input*/
    $scope.divs = new Array();
    $scope.create=function(){ //function invoked on button's ng-click
            var a = $scope.cols;


grid.directive('getWidth', function () {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        scope: {
            "rowHeight": '='
        link: function (scope, element) {

            scope.$watch("rowHeight", function (value) {
                $(element).css('width', scope.rowHeight + "px");
            }, false);

function appCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.cols = 150;   //just using same input value to check if working


UPDATE My ultimate goal is to set width of that div. When I call inline CSS like following I achieve what I want.

<div get-width row-height="{{cols}}" ng-repeat="div in divs" style="width:{{cols}}px">{{$index+1}} aaaaaa</div>

But this wouldn't be always efficient if number of divs goes high. So, again question remains, how to do this via angular script?

I have an input box which accepts the value for div width. Using angular.js, How can you change div's width based on user input? I have implemented following code after referring this fiddle.


 <input type="text" id="gcols" placeholder="Number of Columns" ng-model="cols" ng-change="flush()"/>

<div getWidth rowHeight=cols ng-repeat="div in divs">{{$index+1}} aaaaaa</div>


var grid = angular.module('gridApp', []);

grid.controller('control', ['$scope', function ($scope) {

    /* code for repeating divs based on input*/
    $scope.divs = new Array();
    $scope.create=function(){ //function invoked on button's ng-click
            var a = $scope.cols;


grid.directive('getWidth', function () {
    return {
        restrict: "A",
        scope: {
            "rowHeight": '='
        link: function (scope, element) {

            scope.$watch("rowHeight", function (value) {
                $(element).css('width', scope.rowHeight + "px");
            }, false);

function appCtrl($scope) {
    $scope.cols = 150;   //just using same input value to check if working


UPDATE My ultimate goal is to set width of that div. When I call inline CSS like following I achieve what I want.

<div get-width row-height="{{cols}}" ng-repeat="div in divs" style="width:{{cols}}px">{{$index+1}} aaaaaa</div>

But this wouldn't be always efficient if number of divs goes high. So, again question remains, how to do this via angular script?

Share Improve this question edited Jan 4, 2014 at 9:17 Sujit Y. Kulkarni asked Jan 3, 2014 at 11:40 Sujit Y. KulkarniSujit Y. Kulkarni 1,3864 gold badges24 silver badges40 bronze badges
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2 Answers 2

Reset to default 31

Use ng-style="{width: cols + 'px'}", instead of style.

link to the docs:

You have an error in yor angular syntax. You Should use

ng-repeat="div in divs track by $index"

Also you should use attrs.$observe instead of $watch.

Working demo (updated):

本文标签: javascriptAngularjs How to change div width based on user inputStack Overflow