

Using the Ionic framework, I'm trying to create a group of three buttons that act as radio buttons:

If I click on Breakfast, I would like Lunch and Dinner to return to their normal (white) state, and Breakfast to turn Blue.

With my current code, I can't get this functionality to work, although I can get the buttons to switch color, slightly randomly (perhaps I just don't understand the ng-class directive).

Here is my HTML code:

<div class="bar bar-subheader">
 <div class="button-bar">
   <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive' : !isActiveB, 'none': isActiveB}" ng-click="active('breakfast')">Breakfast</a>
   <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive' : !isActiveL, 'none': isActiveL}" ng-click="active('lunch')">Lunch</a>
   <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive' : !isActiveD, 'none': isActiveD}" ng-click="active('dinner')">Dinner</a>

My JS:

$ = function(meal) {

 switch (meal) {
   case 'breakfast':
     $scope.$broadcast('slideBox.setSlide', 0);
     $scope.isActiveB = $scope.isActiveB;
     $scope.isActiveL = !$scope.isActiveL;
     $scope.isActiveD = !$scope.isActiveD;
   case 'lunch':
     $scope.$broadcast('slideBox.setSlide', 1);
     $scope.isActiveB = !$scope.isActiveB;
     $scope.isActiveL = $scope.isActiveL;
     $scope.isActiveD = !$scope.isActiveD;
   case 'dinner':
     $scope.$broadcast('slideBox.setSlide', 2);
     $scope.isActiveB = !$scope.isActiveB;
     $scope.isActiveL = !$scope.isActiveL;
     $scope.isActiveD = $scope.isActiveD;

I can put the code in JSFidle if you require more information and a working solution.

Thanks for your help.

NOTE: I would like to maintain my active() function, and use the ng-class directive if possible, as I have a lot of other code dependent on this function.

Using the Ionic framework, I'm trying to create a group of three buttons that act as radio buttons:

If I click on Breakfast, I would like Lunch and Dinner to return to their normal (white) state, and Breakfast to turn Blue.

With my current code, I can't get this functionality to work, although I can get the buttons to switch color, slightly randomly (perhaps I just don't understand the ng-class directive).

Here is my HTML code:

<div class="bar bar-subheader">
 <div class="button-bar">
   <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive' : !isActiveB, 'none': isActiveB}" ng-click="active('breakfast')">Breakfast</a>
   <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive' : !isActiveL, 'none': isActiveL}" ng-click="active('lunch')">Lunch</a>
   <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive' : !isActiveD, 'none': isActiveD}" ng-click="active('dinner')">Dinner</a>

My JS:

$ = function(meal) {

 switch (meal) {
   case 'breakfast':
     $scope.$broadcast('slideBox.setSlide', 0);
     $scope.isActiveB = $scope.isActiveB;
     $scope.isActiveL = !$scope.isActiveL;
     $scope.isActiveD = !$scope.isActiveD;
   case 'lunch':
     $scope.$broadcast('slideBox.setSlide', 1);
     $scope.isActiveB = !$scope.isActiveB;
     $scope.isActiveL = $scope.isActiveL;
     $scope.isActiveD = !$scope.isActiveD;
   case 'dinner':
     $scope.$broadcast('slideBox.setSlide', 2);
     $scope.isActiveB = !$scope.isActiveB;
     $scope.isActiveL = !$scope.isActiveL;
     $scope.isActiveD = $scope.isActiveD;

I can put the code in JSFidle if you require more information and a working solution.

Thanks for your help.

NOTE: I would like to maintain my active() function, and use the ng-class directive if possible, as I have a lot of other code dependent on this function.

Share Improve this question edited Mar 7, 2014 at 19:13 Paolo Bernasconi asked Mar 7, 2014 at 19:04 Paolo BernasconiPaolo Bernasconi 2,03011 gold badges36 silver badges56 bronze badges 1
  • Take a look at – Whisher Commented Mar 7, 2014 at 19:39
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3 Answers 3

Reset to default 26

Maybe this simplified example will help you a little:

angular.module('plunker', []).controller('MainCtrl', function($scope) {
    $ = 'breakfast';
    $scope.setActive = function(type) {
        $ = type;
    $scope.isActive = function(type) {
        return type === $;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app="plunker" ng-controller="MainCtrl" class="bar bar-subheader">
    <div class="button-bar">
        <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive': isActive('breakfast')}" ng-click="setActive('breakfast')">Breakfast</a>
        <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive': isActive('lunch')}" ng-click="setActive('lunch')">Lunch</a>
        <a class="button" ng-class="{'button-positive': isActive('dinner')}" ng-click="setActive('dinner')">Dinner</a>


Here is a more flexible solution for future Googlers.

Working plunker:

  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    require: 'ngModel',
    scope: {
      model: '=ngModel',
      value: '=barSelect'
    link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl){
      element.on('click', function(e){

      scope.$watch('model', function(newVal){
        if (newVal === scope.value){

And a usage example:

   <div class="button-bar">
     <a bar-select="button.value"
        ng-repeat="button in clientSideList"

Here's another alternative approach which combines the other two here. It requires just a single <button-group> element with the following attributes:

  • ng-model
  • buttons - array of objects containing 'text' and 'value' properties
  • button-class - optional string containing CSS class(es) to apply to the rendered links, in addition to the default 'group-btn' and 'group-btn-active' classes


    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        require: 'ngModel',
        scope: {
          model: '=ngModel',
          buttons: '=',
          buttonClass: '='
        template: '<a class="group-btn {{buttonClass}}" ' +
                  '   ng-repeat="button in buttons" ' +
                  '   ng-class="{\'group-btn-active\': isActive(button.value)}" ' +
                  '   ng-click="buttonClicked(button.value)"> ' +
                  '       {{button.text}} ' +
        controller: ['$scope', function($scope) {
            $scope.buttonClicked = function(value) {
                $scope.value = value;
            $scope.isActive = function(value) {
                return $scope.value === value;
        link: function(scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
            element.on('click', function(e){

            scope.$watch('model', function(newVal){
                scope.value = newVal;

And the example usage:

<button-group ng-model="sortOrder" buttons="sortOptions" 
    button-class="'md-button my-other-class'"></button-group>

Where sortOptions would be an array of the form:

$scope.sortOptions = [
        { value: 'priority', text: 'Priority' },
        { value: 'duration', text: 'Call Duration' }

本文标签: javascriptAngularJS3button group acting as radio buttonsStack Overflow