

I am using Webpack + html-webpack-plugin to build all my static files. The thing is, when I am using it with Google Maps API, it's not working.

I have this code:

var map;
function initMap() {
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644},
    zoom: 6
  // the other code, irrelevant

And a HTML file:

<!doctype html>
  <div id="map"></div>
  <script async="async" defer="defer"
      src="=<token here>&callback=initMap">
   <script src="script.js"></script>

If I run just this file, everything works fine. But if I run this with, webpack it complaints about 'initMap is not a function'. I've looked inside the output, and it seems like initMap is declared not as global function, but as a function inside a module or something like that, so maybe that's the issue.

How should I use Google Maps API with webpack? I know that I can bundle some libs with my script, such as react, should I do the same? What should be the approach here?

UPD: Here is my webpack.config.js:

/* eslint-disable */
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')

const nodeModules = {}
  .filter(function(x) {
    return ['.bin'].indexOf(x) === -1
  .forEach(function(mod) {
    nodeModules[mod] = 'commonjs ' + mod

const htmlMinifierObj = {
  collapseWhitespace: true,
  removeComments: true

module.exports = [
// the first object compiles backend, I didn't post it since it's unrelated
 name: 'clientside, output to ./public',
 entry: {
   script: [path.join(__dirname, 'clientside', 'script.js')]
 output: {
   path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
   filename: '[name].js'
 module: {
   loaders: [
       test: /\.js$/,
       loader: 'babel',
       query: { presets:['es2015', 'stage-0'] }
 plugins: [
   //new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({minimize: true}),
   new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
     template: 'clientside/index.html',
     inject: 'body',
     chunks: ['script'],
     minify: htmlMinifierObj

And the output HTML is (I've removed importing script.js from my source file, because it's added by webpack, and turned off the minimization, just for readability):

<!doctype html>
  <a href="/login/facebook">Login</a>
  <div id="map"></div>
  <script async defer
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script></body>

I am using Webpack + html-webpack-plugin to build all my static files. The thing is, when I am using it with Google Maps API, it's not working.

I have this code:

var map;
function initMap() {
  map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    center: {lat: -34.397, lng: 150.644},
    zoom: 6
  // the other code, irrelevant

And a HTML file:

<!doctype html>
  <div id="map"></div>
  <script async="async" defer="defer"
      src="<token here>&callback=initMap">
   <script src="script.js"></script>

If I run just this file, everything works fine. But if I run this with, webpack it complaints about 'initMap is not a function'. I've looked inside the output, and it seems like initMap is declared not as global function, but as a function inside a module or something like that, so maybe that's the issue.

How should I use Google Maps API with webpack? I know that I can bundle some libs with my script, such as react, should I do the same? What should be the approach here?

UPD: Here is my webpack.config.js:

/* eslint-disable */
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const webpack = require('webpack')
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin')

const nodeModules = {}
  .filter(function(x) {
    return ['.bin'].indexOf(x) === -1
  .forEach(function(mod) {
    nodeModules[mod] = 'commonjs ' + mod

const htmlMinifierObj = {
  collapseWhitespace: true,
  removeComments: true

module.exports = [
// the first object compiles backend, I didn't post it since it's unrelated
 name: 'clientside, output to ./public',
 entry: {
   script: [path.join(__dirname, 'clientside', 'script.js')]
 output: {
   path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
   filename: '[name].js'
 module: {
   loaders: [
       test: /\.js$/,
       loader: 'babel',
       query: { presets:['es2015', 'stage-0'] }
 plugins: [
   //new webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin({minimize: true}),
   new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
     template: 'clientside/index.html',
     inject: 'body',
     chunks: ['script'],
     minify: htmlMinifierObj

And the output HTML is (I've removed importing script.js from my source file, because it's added by webpack, and turned off the minimization, just for readability):

<!doctype html>
  <a href="/login/facebook">Login</a>
  <div id="map"></div>
  <script async defer
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script></body>
Share Improve this question edited Nov 13, 2016 at 17:36 geocodezip 161k14 gold badges225 silver badges254 bronze badges asked Nov 13, 2016 at 15:42 serge1peshcoffserge1peshcoff 4,65011 gold badges47 silver badges80 bronze badges 2
  • The google maps API doesn't "pack" with webpack you should keep as external source, if fails it's because the script.js is not packed, or you don't use your new packed js. Please show us your webpack config, and your final html file – Danyel Cabello Commented Nov 13, 2016 at 15:53
  • @DanyelDarkcloud updated the question – serge1peshcoff Commented Nov 13, 2016 at 16:02
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1 Answer 1

Reset to default 45

In script.js

After your function declaration, add the function to the global scope, like this:

function initMap() {
    // Some stuff
window.initMap = initMap;

本文标签: javascriptHow to use Webpack with Google Maps APIStack Overflow