

I have a model which is an array that needs to handle complex and simple elements :

    "object" :[
                   "title" : "Title 3"

Is there some way to make a select which can handle both simple and complex elements in angularjs (showing url from the complexs)?

Approach 1

I mean some like that:

ng-model="(object[$index].url ? object[$index].url : object[$index])"

Approach 2

Make a normalized object that will have the complex structure for each object with empty arrays and a file type indicating whether is simple or complex.

Could I make some magic with angular to avoid the second approach?


I have a model which is an array that needs to handle complex and simple elements :

    "object" :[
                   "title" : "Title 3"

Is there some way to make a select which can handle both simple and complex elements in angularjs (showing url from the complexs)?

Approach 1

I mean some like that:

ng-model="(object[$index].url ? object[$index].url : object[$index])"

Approach 2

Make a normalized object that will have the complex structure for each object with empty arrays and a file type indicating whether is simple or complex.

Could I make some magic with angular to avoid the second approach?


Share Improve this question edited Apr 16, 2014 at 11:20 antacerod asked Apr 16, 2014 at 11:14 antacerodantacerod 1,4203 gold badges21 silver badges40 bronze badges
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2 Answers 2

Reset to default 22

You could use ngSwitch or ngIf and place the correct element then.

With ngIf for example:

<input ngIf="object[$index].url" ngModel="object[$index].url">
<input ngIf="!object[$index].url" ngModel="object[$index]">

If the condition is not met, angular will completely remove the dom element, till the condition will meet.

Using getters and setters

You can define getters and setters on an object and put logic in it to retrieve/set whatever other object you wanted to get/modify conditionally.

Angular has a ng-model-options="{getterSetter:true}" which you can use as follows:

input(ng-model="data" ng-model-options="{getterSetter:true}")

var data1 = "data 1";
var data2 = "data 2";
$ = function(newVal) {
    if (condition) {
        if (angular.isDefined(newVal))
            data1 = newVal;
        return data1;
    } else {
        if (angular.isDefined(newVal))
            data2 = newVal;
        return data2;

However, and this might be just in my case, it alone didn't work or not as expected.

There's also the JavaScript's default way to do the same using Object.defineProperty

var data1 = "data 1";
var data2 = "data 2";
Object.defineProperty($scope, 'data', {
    get: function() {
            return data1;
            return data2;
    set: function(newVal) {
            data1 = newVal;
            data2 = newVal;

Again, this might be just in my case, but using only either of them alone didn't work or didn't work as expected. So I used them both together and it works perfectly.

本文标签: javascriptConditional ngmodel binding in angularjsStack Overflow