

If I have the following in my html:

<div style="height:300px; width:300px; background-color:#ffffff;"></div>

And this in my css style sheet:

div {

Is there any way, with javascript/jquery, to remove all of the inline styles and leave only the styles specified by the css style sheet?

If I have the following in my html:

<div style="height:300px; width:300px; background-color:#ffffff;"></div>

And this in my css style sheet:

div {

Is there any way, with javascript/jquery, to remove all of the inline styles and leave only the styles specified by the css style sheet?

Share Improve this question asked Aug 4, 2009 at 20:14 MattMatt 5,59523 gold badges84 silver badges122 bronze badges
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7 Answers 7

Reset to default 170

$('div').attr('style', '');


$('div').removeAttr('style'); (From Andres's Answer)

To make this a little smaller, try this:


This should speed it up a little because it checks that the divs have the style attribute.

Either way, this might take a little while to process if you have a large amount of divs, so you might want to consider other methods than javascript.

Plain JavaScript:

You don't need jQuery to do something trivial like this. Just use the .removeAttribute() method.

Assuming you are just targeting a single element, you can easily use the following: (example)


If you are targeting multiple elements, just loop through the selected collection of elements: (example)

var target = document.querySelectorAll('div');, function(element){

Array.prototype.forEach() - IE9 and above / .querySelectorAll() - IE 8 (partial) IE9 and above.


If you need to just empty the style of an element then: = null;
This should do good. Hope it helps!

I was using the $('div').attr('style', ''); technique and it wasn't working in IE8.

I outputted the style attribute using alert() and it was not stripping out inline styles.

.removeAttr ended up doing the trick in IE8.

This can be accomplished in two steps:

1: select the element you want to change by either tagname, id, class etc.

var element = document.getElementsByTagName('h2')[0];

  1. remove the style attribute


You could also try listing the css in the style sheet as !important
