

Iam not understanding why inserting data from my lookup field does and doesnt work in canvasapp.

This works:

    fieldWhereToInsert: LookUp(lookupTbl, lookupField_shownToUser = comboField.Selected.lookupField_shownToUser)

but this doesnt work although if i understood right should work:

    fieldWhereToInsert: comboField.Selected

With the second one comboField.Selected returns a record as it should but it complains about wrong schema!

comboField.items has


and in UI comboField shows the field from the lookup-table i want it to show.

But anyways... why doesnt the second example work? Can anybody help? It returns record but complains at the same time about schema

本文标签: powerappspower apps lookup column patching to dataverseStack Overflow