

I recognized that vscode remote will run a wget instance to call 169.254.x.x.

I had used Digital Ocean MetaData API so I think it seems like checking if it is running on Azure VMs via the main.js .

I checked the route that it doesn't run a server listening on this IP address and the http request must be failed.

But I am still confused about:

  1. Will this cause security issues?

  2. What is it doing?

  3. Is there any way stop this?

Here is the log of itself:

[IPC Library: Pty Host]  WARN Shell integration cannot be enabled for executable "/bin/sh" and args [
  'wget --version > /dev/null\n' +
    'if [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    'then\n' +
    "\twget --connect-timeout=7 --tries=1 --dns-timeout=7 -q --header='Metadata:true' -O -\n" +
    'else\n' +
    '\tcurl --version > /dev/null\n' +
    '\tif [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    '\tthen\n' +
    "\t\tcurl --connect-timeout 7 -s --header='Metadata:true'\n" +
    '\tfi\n' +
    'fi\n' +
    'exit 0'
[IPC Library: Pty Host]  WARN Shell integration cannot be enabled for executable "/bin/sh" and args [
  'wget --version > /dev/null\n' +
    'if [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    'then\n' +
    '\twget --connect-timeout=7 --tries=1 --dns-timeout=7 -q  -O -\n' +
    'else\n' +
    '\tcurl --version > /dev/null\n' +
    '\tif [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    '\tthen\n' +
    '\t\tcurl --connect-timeout 7 -s\n' +
    '\tfi\n' +
    'fi\n' +
    'exit 0'
[IPC Library: Pty Host]  WARN Shell integration cannot be enabled for executable "/bin/sh" and args [
  'wget --version > /dev/null\n' +
    'if [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    'then\n' +
    '\twget --connect-timeout=7 --tries=1 --dns-timeout=7 -q  -O -\n' +
    'else\n' +
    '\tcurl --version > /dev/null\n' +
    '\tif [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    '\tthen\n' +
    '\t\tcurl --connect-timeout 7 -s\n' +
    '\tfi\n' +
    'fi\n' +
    'exit 0'
[IPC Library: Pty Host]  WARN Shell integration cannot be enabled for executable "/bin/sh" and args [
  'wget --version > /dev/null\n' +
    'if [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    'then\n' +
    "\twget --connect-timeout=7 --tries=1 --dns-timeout=7 -q --header='Metadata-Flavor:Google' -O - /computeMetadata/v1/instance/id\n" +
    'else\n' +
    '\tcurl --version > /dev/null\n' +
    '\tif [ $? -eq 0 ]\n' +
    '\tthen\n' +
    "\t\tcurl --connect-timeout 7 -s --header='Metadata-Flavor:Google' /computeMetadata/v1/instance/id\n" +
    '\tfi\n' +
    'fi\n' +
    'exit 0'

本文标签: azureVSCode Remote will call 169254xx via wgetStack Overflow