

we face the issue of an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED within Chrome/Edge for local hosted (same subnet) web sites/web apps. Some of the website/apps are behind an NGINX reverse proxy.

Starting a fresh browser session, all resources can be accessed. After a while of using them, the error occurs (pattern to force the issue unknown). This happens then to all sites, no matter if they are behind the proxy or direct connection.


  • keep the browser open and wait for a while -> starts working again.
  • starting an alternative browser while the faulting one is open
  • Close the faulting browser and open it again -> works immediately again.


  • Doing Wireshark on the client and the target servers -> I don't see any outgoing/incoming traffic.
  • Using the same client/browser on a different site (site-to-site VPN), the error did not pop up so far (however, less "stress testing" experience)

I suspect the reverse proxy is causing the issue on the browsers; only working with direct connection to sites, never caused the mentioned error so far.

Sample of the server block

server {
    listen                              80;
    listen                              [::]:80;
    index                               index.html index.htm index.php default.html default.htm;
    server_name                         ha.SAMPLE;
    root                                html/ha.SAMPLE;
    access_log                          logs/w3/ha.SAMPLE_access.log;
    error_log                           logs/w3/ha.SAMPLE_error.log;
    include                             error.conf;
    location = /robots.txt {
        add_header                      Content-Type text/plain;
        return 200                      "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";
server {
    listen                              443 ssl;
    listen                              [::]:443 ssl;
    server_name                         ha.SAMPLE;
    access_log                          logs/proxy/ha.SAMPLE_access.log;
    error_log                           logs/proxy/ha.SAMPLE_error.log;
    ssl_trusted_certificate             ../ssl/ha.SAMPLE/ha.SAMPLE-chain-only.pem;
    ssl_certificate                     ../ssl/ha.SAMPLE/ha.SAMPLE-chain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key                 ../ssl/ha.SAMPLE/ha.SAMPLE-key.pem;
    location = /robots.txt {
        add_header                      Content-Type text/plain;
        return 200                      "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";
    location / {
        proxy_pass                      http://IPADDRESS;
        proxy_set_header                Host $host;
        proxy_set_header                X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header                Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header                Connection "Upgrade";
        proxy_http_version              1.1;


worker_processes                    1;
events {
    worker_connections              1024;
http {
    server_names_hash_bucket_size   256;
    include                         mime.types;
    default_type                    application/octet-stream;
    include                         serverblocks/*.conf;
    server_tokens                   off;
    keepalive_timeout               75;

Does anyone have some idea where to look at? Thanks for your support!

本文标签: windowsERRCONNECTIONREFUSED EdgeChromeStack Overflow