

I'm trying to get href value using jQuery:

        <title>Jquery Test</title>
         <script type="text/javascript" src=".js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $("a").click(function(event) {
                alert("As you can see, the link no longer took you to jquery");
                var href = $('a').attr('href');
        <a href="/">jQuery</a>

But it doesn't work. Why?

I'm trying to get href value using jQuery:

        <title>Jquery Test</title>
         <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {
            $("a").click(function(event) {
                alert("As you can see, the link no longer took you to");
                var href = $('a').attr('href');
        <a href="">jQuery</a>

But it doesn't work. Why?

Share Improve this question edited Jun 30, 2015 at 14:30 informatik01 16.4k11 gold badges78 silver badges108 bronze badges asked Jan 20, 2010 at 1:13 Adi SembiringAdi Sembiring 5,92612 gold badges61 silver badges70 bronze badges 3
  • Care to tell us what exactly didn't work? was the alert empty? did you even get 2 alerts? Any js errors? It's working for me... – Ben Rowe Commented Jan 20, 2010 at 1:45
  • upss ..., sorry. the problem is clear cache – Adi Sembiring Commented Jan 20, 2010 at 2:22
  • Fiddle here: – LCJ Commented May 5, 2018 at 5:11
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8 Answers 8

Reset to default 446

You need

var href = $(this).attr('href');

Inside a jQuery click handler, the this object refers to the element clicked, whereas in your case you're always getting the href for the first <a> on the page. This, incidentally, is why your example works but your real code doesn't

It's worth mentioning that

$('a').attr('href'); // gets the actual value
$('a').prop('href'); // gets the full URL always

You can get current href value by this code:


To get href value by ID


Assuming you have this html :

   <a class ="linkClass" href=""> Stack Overflow</a>

You can get and display the href attribute with this JS snippet :

    $(".linkClass").click(function() {

It works... Tested in IE8 (don't forget to allow javascript to run if you're testing the file from your computer) and chrome.

if the page have one <a> It Works,but,many <a> ,have to use var href = $(this).attr('href');

**Replacing  href attribut value to other** 
 <div class="cpt">
   <a href="/ref/ref/testone.html">testoneLink</a>

  <div class="test" >
      <a href="/ref/ref/testtwo.html">testtwoLInk</a>

 <!--Remove first default Link from href attribut -->
     Remove first default Link from href attribut
    $(".cpt a").removeAttr("href");
    Add  Link to same href attribut
    var testurl= $(".test").find("a").attr("href");
    $(".test a").attr('href', testurl);

If your html link is like this:

<a class ="linkClass" href=""> Stack Overflow</a>

Then you can access the href in jquery as given below (there is no need to use "a" in href for this)


function accesshref()
 var url = $(".linkClass").attr("href");
 var url = $(this).attr("href");

本文标签: javascriptHow to get href value using jQueryStack Overflow