

Is there a simple selector expression to not select elements with a specific class?

<div class="first-foo" />
<div class="first-moo" />
<div class="first-koo" />
<div class="first-bar second-foo" />

I just want to get the first three divs and tried


But this receives all as the last div contains more than first-bar. Is there a way to use a placeholder in such an expression? Something like that

$(div[class^="first-"][class!="first-bar*"]) // doesn't seem to work

Any other selectors that may help?

Is there a simple selector expression to not select elements with a specific class?

<div class="first-foo" />
<div class="first-moo" />
<div class="first-koo" />
<div class="first-bar second-foo" />

I just want to get the first three divs and tried


But this receives all as the last div contains more than first-bar. Is there a way to use a placeholder in such an expression? Something like that

$(div[class^="first-"][class!="first-bar*"]) // doesn't seem to work

Any other selectors that may help?

Share Improve this question asked Jan 6, 2011 at 10:51 medihackmedihack 16.6k21 gold badges91 silver badges140 bronze badges 2
  • Scratch my earlier comment, I just reread the question. Critical class is first-bar. – BoltClock Commented Jan 6, 2011 at 10:54
  • 1 In case one wants to select all elements that do not have either class1 or class2, concatenating would work: $('div[class^="first-"]').not('.class1').not('.class2') – J0ANMM Commented Nov 15, 2017 at 12:06
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4 Answers 4

Reset to default 675

You need the :not() selector:


or, alternatively, the .not() method:


You can use the :not filter selector:


Or not() method:


More Info:


You can write a jQuery selector in the "not" method:


It also works on jQuery events with :not() selector.

Simply like this :

jQuery(document).on('click', '.fo-line:not(.deleted) .clickable', function(e) {
    // do your stuff...

In my case, I enable click on every <td class="clickable"> of <tr class="fo-line"> expected all with deleted class (<tr class="fo-line deleted">)

本文标签: javascriptNot class selector in jQueryStack Overflow