I'm a bit of a rambler, but I'll try to keep this clear -
I'm bored, so I'm working on a "shoutbox", and I'm a little confused over one thing. I want to get the time that a message is entered, and I want to make sure I'm getting the server time, or at least make sure I'm not getting the local time of the user. I know it doesn't matter, since this thing won't be used by anyone besides me, but I want to be thorough. I've looked around and tested a few things, and I think the only way to do this is to get the milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, since that'd be the same for everyone.
I'm doing that like so:
var time = new Date();
var time = time.getTime();
That returns a number like 1294862756114
Is there a way to convert 1294862756114
to a more readable date, like DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
So, basically, I'm looking for JavaScript's equivalent of PHP's date()
I'm a bit of a rambler, but I'll try to keep this clear -
I'm bored, so I'm working on a "shoutbox", and I'm a little confused over one thing. I want to get the time that a message is entered, and I want to make sure I'm getting the server time, or at least make sure I'm not getting the local time of the user. I know it doesn't matter, since this thing won't be used by anyone besides me, but I want to be thorough. I've looked around and tested a few things, and I think the only way to do this is to get the milliseconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC, since that'd be the same for everyone.
I'm doing that like so:
var time = new Date();
var time = time.getTime();
That returns a number like 1294862756114
Is there a way to convert 1294862756114
to a more readable date, like DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
So, basically, I'm looking for JavaScript's equivalent of PHP's date()
12 Answers
Reset to default 390
var time = new Date().getTime(); // get your number
var date = new Date(time); // create Date object
console.log(date.toString()); // result: Wed Jan 12 2011 12:42:46 GMT-0800 (PST)
If you want custom formatting for your date I offer a simple function for it:
var now = new Date;
console.log( now.customFormat( "#DD#/#MM#/#YYYY# #hh#:#mm#:#ss#" ) );
Here are the tokens supported:
token: description: example:
#YYYY# 4-digit year 1999
#YY# 2-digit year 99
#MMMM# full month name February
#MMM# 3-letter month name Feb
#MM# 2-digit month number 02
#M# month number 2
#DDDD# full weekday name Wednesday
#DDD# 3-letter weekday name Wed
#DD# 2-digit day number 09
#D# day number 9
#th# day ordinal suffix nd
#hhhh# 2-digit 24-based hour 17
#hhh# military/24-based hour 17
#hh# 2-digit hour 05
#h# hour 5
#mm# 2-digit minute 07
#m# minute 7
#ss# 2-digit second 09
#s# second 9
#ampm# "am" or "pm" pm
#AMPM# "AM" or "PM" PM
And here's the code:
//*** This code is copyright 2002-2016 by Gavin Kistner, [email protected]
//*** It is covered under the license viewable at
Date.prototype.customFormat = function(formatString){
var YYYY,YY,MMMM,MMM,MM,M,DDDD,DDD,DD,D,hhhh,hhh,hh,h,mm,m,ss,s,ampm,AMPM,dMod,th;
YY = ((YYYY=this.getFullYear())+"").slice(-2);
MM = (M=this.getMonth()+1)<10?('0'+M):M;
MMM = (MMMM=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"][M-1]).substring(0,3);
DD = (D=this.getDate())<10?('0'+D):D;
DDD = (DDDD=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"][this.getDay()]).substring(0,3);
formatString = formatString.replace("#YYYY#",YYYY).replace("#YY#",YY).replace("#MMMM#",MMMM).replace("#MMM#",MMM).replace("#MM#",MM).replace("#M#",M).replace("#DDDD#",DDDD).replace("#DDD#",DDD).replace("#DD#",DD).replace("#D#",D).replace("#th#",th);
if (h==0) h=24;
if (h>12) h-=12;
hh = h<10?('0'+h):h;
hhhh = hhh<10?('0'+hhh):hhh;
return formatString.replace("#hhhh#",hhhh).replace("#hhh#",hhh).replace("#hh#",hh).replace("#h#",h).replace("#mm#",mm).replace("#m#",m).replace("#ss#",ss).replace("#s#",s).replace("#ampm#",ampm).replace("#AMPM#",AMPM);
You can simply us the Datejs library in order to convert the date to your desired format.
I've run couples of test and it works.
Below is a snippet illustrating how you can achieve that:
var d = new Date(1469433907836);
d.toLocaleString(); // expected output: "7/25/2016, 1:35:07 PM"
d.toLocaleDateString(); // expected output: "7/25/2016"
d.toDateString(); // expected output: "Mon Jul 25 2016"
d.toTimeString(); // expected output: "13:35:07 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)"
d.toLocaleTimeString(); // expected output: "1:35:07 PM"
Below is a snippet to enable you format the date to a desirable output:
var time = new Date();
var time = time.getTime();
var theyear = time.getFullYear();
var themonth = time.getMonth() + 1;
var thetoday = time.getDate();
document.write("The date is: ");
document.write(theyear + "/" + themonth + "/" + thetoday);
Try using this code:
var datetime = 1383066000000; // anything
var date = new Date(datetime);
var options = {
year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric',
var result = date.toLocaleDateString('en', options); // 10/29/2013
See more:
Try using this code:
var milisegundos = parseInt(data.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
var newDate = new Date(milisegundos).toLocaleDateString("en-UE");
Enjoy it!
so you need to pass that var time after getTime() into another new Date() here is my example:
var time = new Date()
var time = time.getTime()
var newTime = new Date(time)
//Wed Oct 20 2021 15:21:12 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)
here output is my datetime standard format for you it will be in country format
if you want it in another format then you can apply another date function on var newTime like
var newTime = new Date(time).toDateString()
//Wed Oct 20 2021
Try this one :
var time = new Date().toJSON();
One line code.
var date = new Date(new Date().getTime());
var date = new Date(1584120305684);
function convertDate(data) {
var getdate = parseInt(data.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""));
var ConvDate= new Date(getdate);
return ConvDate.getDate() + "/" + ConvDate.getMonth() + "/" + ConvDate.getFullYear();
Assume the date as milliseconds date is 1526813885836
, so you can access the date as string with this sample code:
console.log(new Date(1526813885836).toString());
For clearness see below code:
const theTime = new Date(1526813885836);
use datejs
new Date().toString('yyyy-MM-d-h-mm-ss');
本文标签: Converting milliseconds to a date (jQueryJavaScript)Stack Overflow
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?/?/1970 or whatever it is
-> Unix Epoch,1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
– Camilo Martin Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 2:40