

I have two input dates taking from Date Picker control. I have selected start date 2/2/2012 and end date 2/7/2012. I have written following code for that.

I should get result as 6 but I am getting 5.

function SetDays(invoker) {   
    var start = $find('<%=StartWebDatePicker.ClientID%>').get_value();
    var end = $find('<%=EndWebDatePicker.ClientID%>').get_value();

    var oneDay=1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
    var difference_ms = Math.abs(end.getTime() - start.getTime())
    var diffValue = Math.round(difference_ms / oneDay);

Can anyone tell me how I can get exact difference?

I have two input dates taking from Date Picker control. I have selected start date 2/2/2012 and end date 2/7/2012. I have written following code for that.

I should get result as 6 but I am getting 5.

function SetDays(invoker) {   
    var start = $find('<%=StartWebDatePicker.ClientID%>').get_value();
    var end = $find('<%=EndWebDatePicker.ClientID%>').get_value();

    var oneDay=1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
    var difference_ms = Math.abs(end.getTime() - start.getTime())
    var diffValue = Math.round(difference_ms / oneDay);

Can anyone tell me how I can get exact difference?

Share Improve this question edited May 17, 2018 at 11:46 Uwe Keim 40.7k61 gold badges185 silver badges302 bronze badges asked Feb 3, 2012 at 14:10 Vaibhav DeshmukhVaibhav Deshmukh 4,3793 gold badges19 silver badges16 bronze badges 5
  • why should you get result = 6??? 07 - 02 = 05 days.... – André Alçada Padez Commented Feb 3, 2012 at 14:13
  • 1 But the range of days from 2 to 7 is 2,3,4,5,6,7 = 6 days. – Supr Commented Feb 3, 2012 at 14:16
  • While taking difference I want to consider Start date also.... – Vaibhav Deshmukh Commented Feb 3, 2012 at 14:17
  • 20 Well ... why not just add 1 to the answer? – Pointy Commented Feb 3, 2012 at 14:33
  • The issue (if there is a issue at all) is functional, not technical. @Pointy comment is the answer. That's why some people ask why we are in XXI century. – Leandro Bardelli Commented Mar 6, 2018 at 1:41
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8 Answers 8

Reset to default 912 or

From Moment docs:

var a = moment([2007, 0, 29]);
var b = moment([2007, 0, 28]);
a.diff(b, 'days')   // =1

or to include the start:

a.diff(b, 'days')+1   // =2

Beats messing with timestamps and time zones manually.

Depending on your specific use case, you can either

  1. Use a/b.startOf('day') and/or a/b.endOf('day') to force the diff to be inclusive or exclusive at the "ends" (as suggested by @kotpal in the comments).
  2. Set third argument true to get a floating point diff which you can then Math.floor, Math.ceil or Math.round as needed.
  3. Option 2 can also be accomplished by getting 'seconds' instead of 'days' and then dividing by 24*60*60.

If you are using moment.js you can do it easily.

var start = moment("2018-03-10", "YYYY-MM-DD");
var end = moment("2018-03-15", "YYYY-MM-DD");

//Difference in number of days

//Difference in number of weeks

If you want to find difference between a given date and current date in number of days (ignoring time), make sure to remove time from moment object of current date as below


To find difference between a given date and current date in number of days

var given = moment("2018-03-10", "YYYY-MM-DD");
var current = moment().startOf('day');

//Difference in number of days

Try this Using moment.js (Its quite easy to compute date operations in javascript)

firstDate.diff(secondDate, 'days', false);// true|false for fraction value

Result will give you number of days in integer.


//Difference in days

var diff =  Math.floor(( start - end ) / 86400000);

This works for me:

const from = '2019-01-01';
const to   = '2019-01-08';

    moment(from, 'YYYY-MM-DD')
      .diff(moment(to, 'YYYY-MM-DD').startOf('day'), 'days')
  ) + 1

Also you can use this code: moment("yourDateHere", "YYYY-MM-DD").fromNow(). This will calculate the difference between today and your provided date.

I made a quick re-usable function in ES6 using Moment.js.

const getDaysDiff = (start_date, end_date, date_format = 'YYYY-MM-DD') => {
  const getDateAsArray = (date) => {
    return moment(date.split(/\D+/), date_format);
  return getDateAsArray(end_date).diff(getDateAsArray(start_date), 'days') + 1;

console.log(getDaysDiff('2019-10-01', '2019-10-30'));
console.log(getDaysDiff('2019/10/01', '2019/10/30'));
console.log(getDaysDiff('2019.10-01', '2019.10 30'));
console.log(getDaysDiff('2019 10 01', '2019 10 30'));
console.log(getDaysDiff('+++++2019!!/###10/$$01', '2019-10-30'));
console.log(getDaysDiff('2019-10-01-2019', '2019-10-30'));
console.log(getDaysDiff('10-01-2019', '10-30-2019', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));

console.log(getDaysDiff('10-01-2019', '10-30-2019'));
console.log(getDaysDiff('10-01-2019', '2019-10-30', 'MM-DD-YYYY'));
<script src=""></script>

// today
const date = new Date();

// tomorrow
const nextDay = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

// Difference in time
const Difference_In_Time = nextDay.getTime() - date.getTime();

// Difference in Days 
const Difference_In_Days = Difference_In_Time / (1000 * 3600 * 24);

本文标签: javascriptHow to calculate number of days between two datesStack Overflow