

I can get the permalink of a specific post tag or category, but what if I want to get the permalink of a custom post type? I can't find anything in the Codex or anywhere else about how to do this.

I can get the permalink of a specific post tag or category, but what if I want to get the permalink of a custom post type? I can't find anything in the Codex or anywhere else about how to do this.

Share Improve this question asked Oct 25, 2011 at 2:26 Industrial ThemesIndustrial Themes 7551 gold badge9 silver badges22 bronze badges
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5 Answers 5

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How about href="<?php echo get_post_type_archive_link( $post_type ); ?>", where $post_type is your post type?

Further reading: Codex

Within the loop, you can simply use the_permalink(). Outside of the loop, you can use get_permalink( $id ).

Or, for what it's worth, get_term_link($term, $taxonomy); - Codex.

I know this post might be old but just in case someone else is searching the function that does this, here's the one i wrote. $post_type must be passed as a variable :)

if( !function_exists( 'wp_get_post_type_link' )  ){
    function wp_get_post_type_link( &$post_type ){

        global $wp_rewrite; 

        if ( ! $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( $post_type ) )
            return false;

        if ( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) && is_array( $post_type_obj->rewrite ) ) {

            $struct = $post_type_obj->rewrite['slug'] ;
            if ( $post_type_obj->rewrite['with_front'] )
                $struct = $wp_rewrite->front . $struct;
                $struct = $wp_rewrite->root . $struct;

            $link = home_url( user_trailingslashit( $struct, 'post_type_archive' ) );       

        } else {
            $link = home_url( '?post_type=' . $post_type );

        return apply_filters( 'the_permalink', $link );

Hope it helps ! :)

@Stefan KRUGER

curious why the value is passed by reference: &$post_type

aside: I dont' understand why i can supply an answer, which is not what this is, but NOT a comment, which is what this is. that seems backward.

本文标签: How do I get the permalink of a custom post type