

When you make initial delta call (),

.0/groups/delta?$filter=id eq <group-id>, can response include an id that is tagged as both added & removed as it includes the whole history since the group was created?

For example,

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-type: application/json

  "value": [
      "displayName":"Cameron White",
      "id": "ffff7b1a-13b6-477b-8c0c-380905cd99f7",
      "@removed": {
        "reason": "deleted"
      "displayName": "Conf Room Adams",
      "id": "6ea91a8d-e32e-41a1-b7bd-d2d185eed0e0"

In the above example, ffff7b1a-13b6-477b-8c0c-380905cd99f7 is in the response two times.

本文标签: azure active directoryinitial delta api call with same id addedremovedStack Overflow