

I'm trying to control a brushless motor from an ESP32-devkit-v1 with an ESC with BLHeli S firmware. I've watched a LOT of videos, manuals, ChatGPT, etc., with no success. The following code got me at least a musical response from the ESC: the three-note startup chime twice, a low tone, a double high tone, and then four quick ascending tones repeat for a while. I've tried using DShot, too, without success. If anyone can point out what I'm missing or point me toward a resource that can help, that would be awesome.

Auxiliary info: The esp32 is connected and powered by my computer. The ESC is powered by a spare 60w desktop PSU; I cut a Molex connector off and connected the 12v wire and ground to the ESC, although the PSU only delivers about 10.5v. It's pretty stable, tho, so I don't think that's an issue.

#include <Arduino.h>

// GPIO pin for ESC signal
const int escPin = 18;

// PWM configuration
const int freq = 50; // 50 Hz for ESC control
const int resolution = 16; // 16-bit resolution
const int channel = 0; // PWM channel

void setThrottle(int dutyCycle);
void calibrateESC();

void setup() {
  // Initialize serial communication
  Serial.println("Initializing ESC...");

  // Configure the PWM channel
  ledcSetup(channel, freq, resolution);
  ledcAttachPin(escPin, channel);

  // Send initial ESC calibration signals

void loop() {
  // Example: Gradually increase motor speed
  Serial.println("Increasing throttle...");
  for (int dutyCycle = 1000; dutyCycle <= 2000; dutyCycle += 100) {

  Serial.println("Stopping motor...");
  setThrottle(1000); // Stop the motor

void calibrateESC() {
  Serial.println("Calibrating ESC...");
  setThrottle(2000); // Maximum throttle
  delay(2000);       // Wait for ESC to recognize max throttle
  setThrottle(1000); // Minimum throttle
  delay(2000);       // Wait for ESC to arm
  Serial.println("ESC calibration complete.");

void setThrottle(int dutyCycle) {
  // Map 1000-2000 µs to 16-bit resolution
  int pwmValue = map(dutyCycle, 1000, 2000, 0, 65535);
  ledcWrite(channel, pwmValue);

本文标签: arduinoprogramming ESP32 to control BLHeli S ESCStack Overflow