I am making an override to core/image block -disabling styles, changing markup and such.
I have managed to solve some things, but struggle with some others.
Here is my code:
use MyTheme\PictureGenerator;
function ( $block_content, $block ) {
if ('core/image' !== $block['blockName']) return $block_content;
if (array_key_exists('id', $block['attrs'])) {
$caption = array_key_exists('caption', $block['attrs']) ? $block['attrs']['caption'] : '';
$block_content = PictureGenerator::get_picture_html($block['attrs']['id'], '', 2048, 2048, $caption);
return $block_content;
It turned out, that caption is not available in $block['attrs']['caption']. What is the expected way to obtain it? Preg_matching $block['innerHtml'] seems like an overkill for me.
import { Fragment } from '@wordpress/element';
import { createHigherOrderComponent } from '@wordpress/compose';
const blockSettings = function ( settings, name ) {
if ( name !== 'core/image' ) {
return settings;
const { styles, ...otherSettings } = settings;
settings = Object.assign( otherSettings );
return settings;
const blockControls = createHigherOrderComponent( ( BlockEdit ) => {
return ( props ) => {
const { name } = props;
// Check if it's the 'core/image' block
if ( name !== 'core/image' ) {
return <BlockEdit { ...props } />;
return (
<BlockEdit { ...props } />
{ /* You can add additional components or controls here if needed */ }
}, 'blockControls' );
wp.hooks.addFilter( 'blocks.registerBlockType', 'mytheme/image', blockSettings );
wp.hooks.addFilter( 'editor.BlockEdit', 'mytheme/image', blockControls );
As for the js side, how do I access and modify caption onChange to for example save it to another custom attribute? Is this a good solution to save it as string to custom attribute?
本文标签: filtersCoreImage access caption in rendertemplate and in wphooks
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