According to HTML specs, the select
tag in HTML doesn't have a readonly
attribute, only a disabled
attribute. So if you want to keep the user from changing the dropdown, you have to use disabled
The only problem is that disabled HTML form inputs don't get included in the POST / GET data.
What's the best way to emulate the readonly
attribute for a select
tag, and still get the POST data?
According to HTML specs, the select
tag in HTML doesn't have a readonly
attribute, only a disabled
attribute. So if you want to keep the user from changing the dropdown, you have to use disabled
The only problem is that disabled HTML form inputs don't get included in the POST / GET data.
What's the best way to emulate the readonly
attribute for a select
tag, and still get the POST data?
- 5 Don't rely on that for the server side. Anybody can create their own HTML page and make it RW. – SineSwiper Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 19:43
- 11 But it's not a PHP-specific question. – Kaleb Brasee Commented Oct 3, 2013 at 23:03
- 6 I would suggest not using a select element at all in this case. Is there any reason you can't just display the value as plain text? – Big McLargeHuge Commented Sep 4, 2014 at 21:59
- 2 @ppumkin your comment makes no sense. I'm not saying there's never a good use case for select or hidden form fields. The OP was having trouble displaying some text on the page, and I was simply wondering what the purpose was of using a select element in this case. – Big McLargeHuge Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 18:16
- 3 I must be reading the wrong question. He says he wants to disable the select so the user doesn't change it. Maybe he needs to render the page with selects and use jquery to prevent changes. But when he submits it back there is no data for it. I was doing the same. I need to display selects that is filtered by other selects and the last drop down saves to DB via ajax so all the previous must be locked down. When I re render the page, yea, OK- I could display labels instead of selects. But that is not the problem :) – Piotr Kula Commented Nov 25, 2014 at 19:04
49 Answers
Reset to default 1 2 Next 561You should keep the select
element disabled
but also add another hidden input
with the same name and value.
If you reenable your SELECT, you should copy its value to the hidden input in an onchange event and disable (or remove) the hidden input.
Here is a demo:
$('#mainform').submit(function() {
return false;
$('#enableselect').click(function() {
$('#mainform input[name=animal]')
.attr("disabled", true);
.attr('disabled', false)
.attr('name', 'animal');
return false;
#formdata_container {
padding: 10px;
<script src=""></script>
<form id="mainform">
<select id="animal-select" disabled="true">
<option value="cat" selected>Cat</option>
<option value="dog">Dog</option>
<option value="hamster">Hamster</option>
<input type="hidden" name="animal" value="cat"/>
<button id="enableselect">Enable</button>
<select name="color">
<option value="blue" selected>Blue</option>
<option value="green">Green</option>
<option value="red">Red</option>
<input type="submit"/>
<div id="formdata_container" style="display:none">
<div>Submitted data:</div>
<div id="formdata">
We could also disable all except the selected option.
This way the dropdown still works (and submits its value) but the user can not select another value.
<option disabled>1</option>
<option selected>2</option>
<option disabled>3</option>
You can re-enable the select object on submit.
EDIT: i.e., normally disabling the select tag (with the disabled attribute) and then re-enabling it automatically just before submiting the form:
Example with jQuery:
To disable it:
$('#yourSelect').prop('disabled', true);
To re-enable it before submission so that GET / POST data is included:
$('#yourForm').on('submit', function() { $('#yourSelect').prop('disabled', false); });
In addition, you could re-enable every disabled input or select:
$('#yourForm').on('submit', function() {
$('input, select').prop('disabled', false);
another way of doing a readOnly
attribute to a select
element is by using css
you could do like :
I know that it is far too late, but it can be done with simple CSS:
select[readonly] option, select[readonly] optgroup {
display: none;
The style hides all the options and the groups when the select is in readonly
state, so the user can not change his selection.
No JavaScript hacks are needed.
For extra safty, and prevent key event, conisder adding the disabled
attribute to every option
and optgroup
except for the selected value.
Simple jQuery solution
Use this if your selects have the readonly
jQuery('select.readonly option:not(:selected)').attr('disabled',true);
Or this if your selects have the readonly="readonly"
$('select[readonly="readonly"] option:not(:selected)').attr('disabled',true);
<select id="countries" onfocus="this.defaultIndex=this.selectedIndex;" onchange="this.selectedIndex=this.defaultIndex;">
<option value="1">Country1</option>
<option value="2">Country2</option>
<option value="3">Country3</option>
<option value="4">Country4</option>
<option value="5">Country5</option>
<option value="6">Country6</option>
<option value="7" selected="selected">Country7</option>
<option value="8">Country8</option>
<option value="9">Country9</option>
Tested and working in IE 6, 7 & 8b2, Firefox 2 & 3, Opera 9.62, Safari 3.2.1 for Windows and Google Chrome.
Simple CSS solution:
background: #eee;
select[readonly] option{
This results in Select to be gray with nice "disable" cursor on hover
and on select the list of options is "empty" so you can not change its value.
Since the OP specifically asked that he does not want to disable the select element, here is what i use to make a select readonly
In html
<select style="pointer-events: none;" onclick="return false;" onkeydown="return false;" ></select>
- setting pointer-events to none disables the editing of the "select-element" with mouse/cursor events
- setting the onclick & onkeydown functions to return false disables the editing of the "select-element" with keyboard
This way you don't have to create any extra element, or disable/re-enable the element with javascript or messing with form-submission logic, or use any third party library.
Plus you can easily add css-styling like setting backgrouns-color to grey or text color to grey to imply that element is readonly. I haven't added that to code, since that is pretty specific to your site-theme
Or if you want to do it via javascript
let isReadOnly = true ;
selectElement.onclick = function () {
return !isReadOnly ;
selectElement.onkeydown =function(){
return !isReadOnly ;
} ; = isReadOnly ? "none" : "all" ;
Easier still: add the style attribute to your select tag:
style="pointer-events: none;"
Yet another more contemporary option (no pun intended) is to disable all the options of the select element other then the selected one.
note however that this is an HTML 4.0 feature and ie 6,7,8 beta 1 seem to not respect this.
This is the best solution I have found:
$("#YourSELECTIdHere option:not(:selected)").prop("disabled", true);
The code above disables all other options not selected while keeping the selected option enabled. Doing so the selected option will make it into the post-back data.
A bit late to the party. But this seems to work flawlessly for me
select[readonly] {
Set the select disabled when you plan for it to be read-only and then remove the disabled attribute just before submitting the form.
// global variable to store original event/handler for save button
var form_save_button_func = null;
// function to get jQuery object for save button
function get_form_button_by_id(button_id) {
return jQuery("input[type=button]#"+button_id);
// alter value of disabled element
function set_disabled_elem_value(elem_id, value) {
function set_form_bottom_button_save_custom_code_generic(msg) {
// save original event/handler that was either declared
// through javascript or html onclick attribute
// in a global variable
form_save_button_func = get_form_button_by_id('BtnSave').prop('onclick'); // jQuery 1.6
//form_save_button_func = get_form_button_by_id('BtnSave').prop('onclick'); // jQuery 1.7
// unbind original event/handler (can use any of following statements below)
// alternate save code which also calls original event/handler stored in global variable
var confirm_result = confirm(msg);
if (confirm_result) {
if (jQuery("form.anyForm").find('input[type=text], textarea, select').filter(".disabled-form-elem").length > 0) {
jQuery("form.anyForm").find('input[type=text], textarea, select').filter(".disabled-form-elem").removeAttr("disabled");
// disallow further editing of fields once save operation is underway
// by making them readonly
// you can also disallow form editing by showing a large transparent
// div over form such as loading animation with "Saving" message text
jQuery("form.anyForm").find('input[type=text], textarea, select').attr('ReadOnly','True');
// now execute original event/handler
$(document).ready(function() {
// if you want to define save button code in javascript then define it now
// code below for record update
set_form_bottom_button_save_custom_code_generic("Do you really want to update this record?");
// code below for new record
//set_form_bottom_button_save_custom_code_generic("Do you really want to create this new record?");
// start disabling elements on form load by also adding a class to identify disabled elements
set_disabled_elem_value('phone', '123121231');
set_disabled_elem_value('fax', '123123123');
set_disabled_elem_value('country', 'Pakistan');
set_disabled_elem_value('address', 'address');
}); // end of $(document).ready function
In addition to disabling the options that should not be selectable i wanted to actually make them dissapear from the list, but still be able to enable them should i need to later:
This finds all select elements with a readonly attribute, then finds all options inside those selects that are not selected, then it hides them and disables them.
It is important to separate the jquery query in 2 for performance reasons, because jquery reads them from right to left, the code:
$("select[readonly] option:not(:selected)")
will first find all unselected options in the document and then filter those that are inside selects with a readonly attribute.
This is the simplest and best solution. You will set a readolny attr on your select, or anyother attr like data-readonly, and do the following
$("select[readonly]").live("focus mousedown mouseup click",function(e){
Solution with tabindex. Works with select but also text inputs.
Simply use a .disabled class.
.disabled {
pointer-events:none; /* No cursor */
background-color: #eee; /* Gray background */
$(".disabled").attr("tabindex", "-1");
<select class="disabled">
<option value="0">0</option>
<input type="text" class="disabled" />
Edit: With Internet Explorer, you also need this JS:
$(document).on("mousedown", ".disabled", function (e) {
If you disable a form field, this won't be sent when form is submitted.
So if you need a readonly
that works like disabled
but sending values do this :
After any change in readonly properties of an element.
$('select.readonly option:not(:selected)').attr('disabled',true);
$('select:not([readonly]) option').removeAttr('disabled');
One simple server-side approach is to remove all the options except the one that you want to be selected. Thus, in Zend Framework 1.12, if $element is a Zend_Form_Element_Select:
$value = $element->getValue();
$options = $element->getAttrib('options');
$sole_option = array($value => $options[$value]);
$element->setAttrib('options', $sole_option);
being your <select>
input.querySelectorAll(':not([selected])').forEach(option => {
option.disabled = true
This will keep the select in the data (as it's not disabled) and only the option
that are not selected are disabled, therefore not selectable.
The result is a readable select that cannot be changed (=> read only).
Rather than the select itself, you could disable all of the options except for the currently selected option. This gives the appearance of a working drop-down, but only the option you want passed in is a valid selection.
Following on from Grant Wagners suggestion; here is a jQuery snippet that does it with handler functions instead of direct onXXX attributes:
var readonlySelect = function(selector, makeReadonly) {
var select = $(this);
//remove any existing readonly handler
if(this.readonlyFn) select.unbind("change", this.readonlyFn);
if(this.readonlyIndex) this.readonlyIndex = null;
if(makeReadonly) {
this.readonlyIndex = this.selectedIndex;
this.readonlyFn = function(){
this.selectedIndex = this.readonlyIndex;
select.bind("change", this.readonlyFn);
What I found works great, with plain javascript (ie: no JQuery library required), is to change the innerHTML of the <select>
tag to the desired single remaining value.
<select name='day' id='day'>
Sample Javascript:
document.getElementById('day').innerHTML = '<option>FRI</option>';
<select name='day' id='day'>
This way, no visiual effect change, and this will POST/GET within the <FORM>
What's the best way to emulate the readonly attribute for a select tag, and still get the POST data?
Just make it an input/text field and add the 'readonly' attribute to it. If the select is effectively 'disabled', then you can't change the value anyway, so you don't need the select tag, and you can simply display the "selected" value as a readonly text input. For most UI purposes I think this should suffice.
If the select dropdown is read-only since birth and does not need to change at all, perhaps you should use another control instead? Like a simple <div>
(plus hidden form field) or an <input type="text">
Added: If the dropdown is not read-only all the time and JavaScript is used to enable/disable it, then this is still a solution - just modify the DOM on-the-fly.
I resolved it with jquery:
$("select.myselect").bind("focus", function(){
html solution:
<select onfocus="this.blur();">
javascript ones:
selectElement.addEventListener("focus", selectElement.blur, true);
selectElement.attachEvent("focus", selectElement.blur); //thanks, IE
to remove:
selectElement.removeEventListener("focus", selectElement.blur, true);
selectElement.detachEvent("focus", selectElement.blur); //thanks, IE
edit: added remove methods
In IE I was able to defeat the onfocus=>onblur approach by double-clicking. But remembering the value and then restoring it in the onchange event seems to handle that issue.
<select onfocus="this.oldvalue=this.value;this.blur();" onchange="this.value=this.oldvalue;">
You can do similar without expando properties by using a javascript variable.
If you are using jquery validate, you can do the following below, I used the disabled attribute without a problem:
<select id="case_reason" name="case_reason" disabled="disabled">
disabled="disabled" ->
will get your value from database dan show it in the form.
readonly="readonly" ->
you can change your value in selectbox, but your value couldn't save in your database.
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