I'm doing a imple MFC on VS2022.
What it does is choosing a file ,a comport and then system call my executable(input myfile).
like this
private: System::Void button1_Click_1(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
String^ Comport;
String^ FWPath;
String^ Cmd;
Comport = cbPort->Text;
FWPath = openFileDlg->FileName;
Cmd = ".\mytest.exe " + path + " " + geoComport->Substring(3);
msclr::interop::marshal_context ctx;
const char* converted = ctx.marshal_as <const char*>(Cmd);
I get my file path and comport already.
And I can see that the thole Cmd on messagebox, and certain that it is right.
But the last line system(converted) does work imagined.
A window pop up and desappear very quickly.
Is that what i wrong doing with the function system()?
本文标签: windowsMFC system call not work using C command system()Stack Overflow
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