We need to check daily if our CF7 form is working properly (form submission data arrives to support's email). So i need a way to programmatically submit the form on frontend.
I tried with WP-Cron but my solution doesn't do anything even if i force-run it with WP Crontrol plugin.
The JS code alone works. It populates all form fields and submits the form.
- event must run daily
- on event run it must execute the js code to submit the form on frontend and preferably on a page where form is actually used (not sure if is_page is enough for this task)
Below is my code in functions.php:
// Daily contact form check
add_action('init', 'cf7_email_daily_cron_schedule');
function cf7_email_daily_cron_schedule()
if (!wp_next_scheduled('cf7_contact_form_check')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'daily', 'cf7_contact_form_check');
// Execute JavaScript function when WP Cron event is triggered
add_action('cf7_contact_form_check', 'cf7_email_daily_cron_js_script');
function cf7_email_daily_cron_js_script()
// if (is_page(1370)) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var wpcf7Form = document.querySelector('.wpcf7-form');
if (wpcf7Form) {
wpcf7Form.querySelector('input[name="your-name"]').value = 'form daily check';
wpcf7Form.querySelector('input[name="company"]').value = 'form daily check';
wpcf7Form.querySelector('input[name="your-email"]').value = '[email protected]';
wpcf7Form.querySelector('select[name="your-subject"]').value = 'form daily check';
var subjectDropdown = wpcf7Form.querySelector('select[name="your-subject"]');
subjectDropdown.innerHTML = '';
// Create and append a new option
var customOption = document.createElement('option');
customOption.value = 'form daily check';
customOption.text = 'form daily check';
// Select the newly added option
customOption.selected = true;
wpcf7Form.querySelector('textarea[name="your-message"]').value = 'form daily check';
// Submit the form
// }
Additionally i tried with cURL but couldn't get it working
function submit_cf7_form_data()
$form_id = 452; Contact Form 7 form ID
$apiUrl = '/' . $form_id . '/feedback';
$userAgent = 'WordPress/' . get_bloginfo('version') . '; ' . get_bloginfo('url');
$header = ['Content-Type: multipart/form-data'];
$body = [
'your-name' => 'form daily check',
'company' => 'form daily check',
'your-email' => '[email protected]',
'your-subject' => 'form daily check',
'your-message' => 'form daily check',
$curlOpts = [
$ch = curl_init($apiUrl);
curl_setopt_array($ch, $curlOpts);
$response = curl_exec($ch);
if ($response === false) {
// Handle cURL error
$error_msg = curl_error($ch);
// Log or display the error message
echo "cURL Error: " . $error_msg;
} else {
// Decode the JSON response
$decoded_response = json_decode($response);
if ($decoded_response === null) {
// Handle JSON decoding error
// Log or display the error
echo "Error decoding JSON response";
} else {
// Handle successful response
// Output the decoded response
// Close cURL resource
// Schedule the function to run with WP Cron
add_action('init', 'schedule_cf7_form_submission');
function schedule_cf7_form_submission()
if (!wp_next_scheduled('submit_cf7_form_data_event')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'every-2-minutes', 'submit_cf7_form_data_event');
// Hook the function to the WP Cron event
add_action('submit_cf7_form_data_event', 'submit_cf7_form_data');
And even with ajax but without success. In this scenario i pasted the js code directly into the page with a page builder and with ajax i'm trying to call the function :
// AJAX action
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_daily_form_check', 'daily_form_check_callback');
add_action('wp_ajax_daily_form_check', 'daily_form_check_callback');
// WP-Cron event
add_action('init', 'schedule_daily_form_check_event');
function schedule_daily_form_check_event()
if (!wp_next_scheduled('daily_form_check_event')) {
wp_schedule_event(time(), 'every-2-minutes', 'daily_form_check_event');
// Debugging: Check if the event is scheduled
function check_scheduled_event()
if (wp_get_scheduled_event('daily_form_check_event')) {
echo 'Scheduled event is active'; // For testing purposes
} else {
echo 'Scheduled event is not active'; // For testing purposes
exit; // Exit
// add_action('wp_loaded', 'check_scheduled_event');
function daily_form_check_callback()
// Check if the scheduled event is active
if (wp_get_scheduled_event('daily_form_check_event')) {
// Check if the current page matches the desired page ID
if (is_page(2)) {
// call function
echo "<script>dailyFormCheckScript();</script>";
} else {
// Page does not match the desired page ID, return an error message
echo 'AJAX call restricted to a specific page';
} else {
// Scheduled event is not active, return an error message
echo 'Scheduled event is not active';
// exit
Please help, maybe somebody faced a similar issue. I am aware that wp-cron can have delays and isn't that reliable.
本文标签: functionsSubmit CF7 form programmatically with WPCron
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