

I found a strange behaviour from the WP core related to remove_action,

add_action('my_custom_hook', 'mycustomfunc2',99); 
add_action('my_custom_hook', 'mycustomfunc3',100);

function mycustomfunc1(){
    echo 'mycustomfunc1 <br/>';

function mycustomfunc2() {
    echo 'mycustomfunc2  <br/>';
    remove_action('my_custom_hook', 'mycustomfunc2',99);

function mycustomfunc3() {
    echo 'mycustomfunc3 <br/>';

add_action('wp', function(){


here when we are removing mycustomfunc2 and the mycustomfunc3 automatically getting removed generating output like this- Appreciate if this being checked, initially it seems to be a clear bug. I can ensure I am using WP version 6.4.3 with no change in core files.

本文标签: filtersremovefunction method removing next priority action too while removing current priority