

I am able to retrieve the text in the input field by doing:

    let contextBeforeInput = textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput ?? ""
    let contextAfterInput = textDocumentProxy.documentContextAfterInput ?? ""
    let fullText = contextBeforeInput + contextAfterInput

However, when I'm pasting text into the input field, textDocumentProxy.documentContextBeforeInput refuses to return the entire text from the input field but instead only returns the last two sentences.

I have tried this with the input fields in WhatsApp, Signal, and Telegram and it's all the same, so it doesn't seem to be caused by the specific app.

At first I thought it was a limitation imposed by Apple but other third party keyboard extensions such as Grammarly are able to pick up the whole pasted text from the input field, so how are they doing it?

本文标签: uikitRetrieve input field text as a keyboard extension in SwiftStack Overflow