

Given a .gitlab-ci.yml file in which it is needed to log in to a remote server via SSH and run there a list of commands. I tried using here-doc but without much luck. Based on my attempts to find the root of the problem, it looks like .gitlab-ci.yml doesn't accept here-doc. And it produced a bunch of errors.

Below is an excerpt:

  stage: deploy_to_server
    - server-runner
  image: ubuntu:22.04
    - chmod og= $ID_RSA
    - |
      ssh -tt -i $ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $SERVER_USER@$SERVER_IP bash << EOF
        docker system prune --force
        echo "Running container with image: $FULL_IMAGE_NAME"
        docker run -p$SERVER_PORT:$SERVER_PORT \
        --env MONGODB_URI=$MONGODB_URI \
        --env PORT=$PORT \
        -d --name admin-server $FULL_IMAGE_NAME

Then I rewrote an ssh command in one line:

    - ssh -tt -i $ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $SERVER_USER@$SERVER_IP "whoami; echo Running container with image $FULL_IMAGE_NAME; docker system prune --force; docker run --name admin-server -d -p$SERVER_PORT:$SERVER_PORT --env JWT_AUTH_SECRET=$JWT_AUTH_SECRET --env JWT_AUTH_EXPIRES=$JWT_AUTH_EXPIRES --env JWT_REFRESH_SECRET=$JWT_REFRESH_SECRET --env JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRES=$JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRES --env MONGODB_URI=$MONGODB_URI --env PORT=$PORT $FULL_IMAGE_NAME; exit"

All the error have gone except one:
bash: line 2: --env: command not found

I cannot figure out why the docker run --env flag is treated as a separate command. When changing all --env to -e, the error becomes bash: line 2: -e: command not found (so, it is that flag from docker run).

Question: In .gitlab-ci.yml, how to properly put commands that will run on a remote server?

Note: I've just started learning GitLab pipelines (I've thought I'd find a solution, but I've been struggling with this issue for a week), and maybe it's not only docker run that will throw such errors.

Given a .gitlab-ci.yml file in which it is needed to log in to a remote server via SSH and run there a list of commands. I tried using here-doc but without much luck. Based on my attempts to find the root of the problem, it looks like .gitlab-ci.yml doesn't accept here-doc. And it produced a bunch of errors.

Below is an excerpt:

  stage: deploy_to_server
    - server-runner
  image: ubuntu:22.04
    - chmod og= $ID_RSA
    - |
      ssh -tt -i $ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $SERVER_USER@$SERVER_IP bash << EOF
        docker system prune --force
        echo "Running container with image: $FULL_IMAGE_NAME"
        docker run -p$SERVER_PORT:$SERVER_PORT \
        --env MONGODB_URI=$MONGODB_URI \
        --env PORT=$PORT \
        -d --name admin-server $FULL_IMAGE_NAME

Then I rewrote an ssh command in one line:

    - ssh -tt -i $ID_RSA -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $SERVER_USER@$SERVER_IP "whoami; echo Running container with image $FULL_IMAGE_NAME; docker system prune --force; docker run --name admin-server -d -p$SERVER_PORT:$SERVER_PORT --env JWT_AUTH_SECRET=$JWT_AUTH_SECRET --env JWT_AUTH_EXPIRES=$JWT_AUTH_EXPIRES --env JWT_REFRESH_SECRET=$JWT_REFRESH_SECRET --env JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRES=$JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRES --env MONGODB_URI=$MONGODB_URI --env PORT=$PORT $FULL_IMAGE_NAME; exit"

All the error have gone except one:
bash: line 2: --env: command not found

I cannot figure out why the docker run --env flag is treated as a separate command. When changing all --env to -e, the error becomes bash: line 2: -e: command not found (so, it is that flag from docker run).

Question: In .gitlab-ci.yml, how to properly put commands that will run on a remote server?

Note: I've just started learning GitLab pipelines (I've thought I'd find a solution, but I've been struggling with this issue for a week), and maybe it's not only docker run that will throw such errors.

Share Improve this question asked 2 days ago ENIACENIAC 1,0232 gold badges10 silver badges24 bronze badges 2
  • Is there a semicolon in any of those JWT tokens? – Jim Redmond Commented 2 days ago
  • I've just checked them and there no any special symbols nor newline ones. However, your comment gave me an idea to play with the order of the envs. It appears that the issue is somehow caused by the MONGO_URI value. Yes. I put the value between double quotes and it worked. Thank you! – ENIAC Commented yesterday
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1 Answer 1

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Jim's comment gave me an idea, and I managed to find the root of the problem: MONGODB_URI value should be quoted:

        --env MONGODB_URI="$MONGODB_URI" \

本文标签: gitlabciyml Executing Multiple Commands on Remote Server via SSHStack Overflow