

My Tabulator table uses tickCross in one column - I am interested in having javascript turn on the tick mark - actively - using javascript to tick it, without manually pressing the box. I was able to insert it using javascript, however when I save the file to a cvs, it is not included in the file when I reload. Right now I must manually click the checkmark "on" for it to save in the file. Is it possible to activate the tickCross checkmark using javascript (as though I clicked it) and still have it save with the file?

My Tabulator table uses tickCross in one column - I am interested in having javascript turn on the tick mark - actively - using javascript to tick it, without manually pressing the box. I was able to insert it using javascript, however when I save the file to a cvs, it is not included in the file when I reload. Right now I must manually click the checkmark "on" for it to save in the file. Is it possible to activate the tickCross checkmark using javascript (as though I clicked it) and still have it save with the file?

Share Improve this question edited yesterday mplungjan 177k28 gold badges180 silver badges240 bronze badges asked yesterday David BanningDavid Banning 131 silver badge3 bronze badges 2
  • Which language are you using (i.e. nodejs, angular, react etc)? Please add some steps or code to understand the problem. – sandeepchhapola Commented yesterday
  • @sandeepchhapola – mplungjan Commented yesterday
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1 Answer 1

Reset to default 0

You can use this for multiple

    { id: "row1" , "example": true }  

or this for one

table.updateCell("row1", "example", true); 

Here is a running example.

const table = new Tabulator("#example-table", {
  height: "311px",
  layout: "fitColumns",
  columns: [
    { title: "ID", field: "id", width: 150 },
    { title: "Example", field: "example", formatter: "tickCross", formatterParams: { allowTruthy: true } 
  data: [
    { id: "row1", example: false },
    { id: "row2", example: false }

document.getElementById("update-button").addEventListener("click", function() {
    id: 'row1',  // update by id 
    example: true
<script src="[email protected]/dist/js/tabulator.min.js"></script>

<link href="[email protected]/dist/css/tabulator.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<h1>Tabulator TickCross Example</h1>
<div id="example-table"></div>
<button id="update-button">Update First Row</button>

本文标签: tabulatorhow to insert tickCross using javascriptStack Overflow