Trying to extract the vendor information (Apple, Samsung, etc) from Probe Request coming from mobile, So far no luck. Not sure where the corrections to be made to get this info.
Adding my code:
import codecs
from scapy.all import *
from netaddr import *
def handler(p):
if not (p.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp) or p.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq) or p.haslayer(Dot11Beacon)):
rssi = p[RadioTap].dBm_AntSignal
dst_mac = p[Dot11].addr1
src_mac = p[Dot11].addr2
ap_mac = p[Dot11].addr2
global macf
maco = EUI(src_mac)
macf = maco.oui.registration()
except NotRegisteredError:
macf = "Not available"
info = f"rssi={rssi:2}dBm, dst={dst_mac}, src={src_mac}, ap={ap_mac}, manf= {macf}"
if p.haslayer(Dot11ProbeReq):
stats = p[Dot11ProbeReq]work_stats()
ssid = str(stats['ssid'])
channel = None
if "channel" in stats:
channel = stats['channel']
print(f"[ProbReq ] {info}")
print(f"ssid = {ssid}, channel ={channel}") #rate= {rates}
sniff(iface="wlan1", prn=handler, store=0)
本文标签: pythonExtracting vendor info from Probe Request using ScapyStack Overflow
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