

We are using WordPress 6.7.1, I have created a plugin which checks if there are updates pending, so we can monitor this overall WordPress websites.

But for some reason I can't get all the plugin updates available via either one of these functions:

  • get_plugin_updates();
  • get_plugins();
  • wp_update_plugins();
  • get_site_transient('update_plugins');

The function get_plugin_updates() only returns 4 out of 5 and the manual update is missing.

"get_plugin_updates": {
    "acf-frontend-form-element/acf-frontend.php": {
        "Name": "Frontend Admin",
        "PluginURI": "/",
    "gravity-forms-zero-spam/gravityforms-zero-spam.php": {
        "Name": "Gravity Forms Zero Spam",
        "PluginURI": ";utm_campaign=zero-spam&utm_content=pluginuri",
    "post-expirator/post-expirator.php": {
        "Name": "PublishPress Future",
        "PluginURI": "/",
    "wp-all-import-pro/wp-all-import-pro.php": {
        "Name": "WP All Import Pro",
        "PluginURI": "/",

Is there a way to also see the updates pending for plugins which require a manual update?

本文标签: WordPress getpluginupdates missing manual updatesStack Overflow