

I use this command to activate plugins with WP-CLI:

$ wp plugin activate hello
Plugin 'hello' activated.
Success: Activated 1 of 1 plugins.

I need to activate several plugins at once with a single command. Can use a file?

Something like: $ wp plugin activate [path/to/my/file.txt]

my-file.txt contains one plugin per line:


Then the command would be something similar to:

# Activate two plugins
$ wp plugin activate [path/to/my/file.txt]
Plugin 'plugin-name-1' activated.
Plugin 'plugin-name-2' activated.
Success: Activated 2 of 2 plugins.

If this is possible I will need to know the exact locatin for the file.

本文标签: wp cliWPCLI Commandactivate plugin form txt fileStack Overflow