

We have setup an Azure VPN Gateway using SKU VpnGw2AZ. Our use case is to provide remote work force access to our secured network within Azure. We have setup P2S using OpenVPN and we are using the Azure VPN client with EntraID authenticate.

We can connect to the VPN without issue and generally connected machines can access our azure resources which are not publicly accessible but are accessible from our VLAN.

However, we get quite frequent connection problems when connecting from a VPN client to an Azure resource where HTTP 403 is reported. These problems are intermittent and self healing but very annoying as they disrupt build and debugging sessions.

When the errors are reported they also report the public IP of the client internet connection as the source indicating that the request has for some reason not been routed to the VPN tunnel.

Can anyone give any suggestions as to why this might be happening and ideally a fix?

