

I am attempting to load WKT representations of polygons and multipolygons into a Snowflake GEOGRAPHY-type column. Each polygon has thousands of points, each of which is defined by lat/long points defined with upwards of 10 points of precision after the decimal.

As I attempt to cast my WKT strings to the proper format for insertion, ie TO_GEOGRAPHY(), I get variations of this error:

100217 (P0000): Geography validation failed: Edge (-77.495072,35.477751) -- (-77.495247,35.477899) crosses edge (-77.495247,35.477899) -- (-77.495247,35.477899)

This particular error was thrown when I tried to process the following WKT: (its very long, so hosted here; my apologies)

For convenience, here's the section of that string with the crossing edges:

-77.49480800034235 35.47764599906043, -77.49480800036956 35.477645999070795,
-77.49507200036956 35.47775099907079, -77.49507200051436 35.47775099914243,
-77.49507200064573 35.47775099923645, -77.49524700064573 35.47789899923645,
-77.49524700064573 35.477898999236444, -77.49524700072536 35.47789899931164,
-77.49552600072536 35.47819299931164,-77.4955260008524 35.4781929994771, 

Obviously I can just ignore the invalid edges by setting allow_invalid = TRUE in the TO_GEOGRAPHY() fn, forcing the load, but that doesn't meet my needs - I need some way to make these polygons valid, ideally without truncating every single coordinate value to make it less precise.

I did find this thread somewhat useful, but the recommended solution doesn't seem to apply to all my polygons. Applied to the example string above, a new edge is revealed as a problem:

100217 (P0000): Geography validation failed: Edge (-77.173830,35.470360) -- (-77.173830,35.469260) crosses edge (-77.173830,35.469266) -- (-77.173831,35.468991)

Does anyone have any advice for next steps - solutions or even debugging steps? Like I said, this error occurs on many of my thousands of polygons, and I'm stumped.

Happy to provide more details wherever needed, or additional examples.

本文标签: wktHandling failed geography validation from crossing edges in SnowflakeStack Overflow