I'm trying to clear a pybind11 list. In version 2.13 of Pybind11, this works great, there's a clear() method that does the following:
void clear() /* py-non-const */ {
if (PyList_SetSlice(m_ptr, 0, PyList_Size(m_ptr), nullptr) == -1) {
throw error_already_set();
So I can do things like:
py::list myList;
// todo: append some data, do some things
And this works fine. However, I'm now working in an environment with an older Pybind11. I believe it's version 2.6.2.
Now, if I try the same thing, I get error: ‘class pybind11::list’ has no member named ‘clear’
. And this appears to be true. If I look at the source, the clear()
method no longer exists:
class list : public object {
PYBIND11_OBJECT_CVT(list, object, PyList_Check, PySequence_List)
template <typename SzType = ssize_t,
detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<SzType>::value, int> = 0>
// Some compilers generate link errors when using `const SzType &` here:
explicit list(SzType size = 0) : object(PyList_New(ssize_t_cast(size)), stolen_t{}) {
if (!m_ptr) {
pybind11_fail("Could not allocate list object!");
size_t size() const { return (size_t) PyList_Size(m_ptr); }
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
detail::list_accessor operator[](size_t index) const { return {*this, index}; }
template <typename T, detail::enable_if_t<detail::is_pyobject<T>::value, int> = 0>
detail::item_accessor operator[](T &&o) const {
return object::operator[](std::forward<T>(o));
detail::list_iterator begin() const { return {*this, 0}; }
detail::list_iterator end() const { return {*this, PyList_GET_SIZE(m_ptr)}; }
template <typename T>
void append(T &&val) /* py-non-const */ {
if (PyList_Append(m_ptr, detail::object_or_cast(std::forward<T>(val)).ptr()) != 0) {
throw error_already_set();
template <typename IdxType,
typename ValType,
detail::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<IdxType>::value, int> = 0>
void insert(const IdxType &index, ValType &&val) /* py-non-const */ {
if (PyList_Insert(m_ptr,
!= 0) {
throw error_already_set();
So, how do I clear this list?
I can try to replicate the function by casting the list to a PyObject*:
PyList_SetSlice(py::cast<PyObject*>(myList), 0,
PyList_Size(py::cast<PyObject*>(myList)), nullptr);
But is this seriously the intended way to clearing a list? Seems a bit weird.
本文标签: cHow to clear pylist when clear() does not exist in Pybind11 26Stack Overflow
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