

Laravel 11 works amazingly great with React and Inertia and setting up a full Laravel Dev-Stack with Laravel Sail couldn't be easier. It appears that the directory structure is set up to live at the core of the repository and the frontend lives embedded under resources/js and resources/css.

Now, how (if at all) can Laravel be set up in a custom repository structure, where frontend and backend live in their own folders:

- core/frontend  <-- here lives the react+inertia frontend code
- core/backend   <-- here lives the laravel backend with web and api routes
- docker         <-- all Dockerfiles
- config         <-- all config files
- .env           <-- global .env file shared among front- and backend

It seems that laravel already deploys it's own vite server but the config files for vite, tailwind, etc. should be in the frontend folder.

本文标签: monorepoLaravel 11 ReactInertia Setup with FrontendBackend MonoRepo StructureStack Overflow