

I have a list with 28 elements. This is the dput of 1 element:

structure(list(V3 = c("21.0", "21.5", "21.5", "21.5", "22.0", 
"22.5", "22.5", "23.0", "23.0", "23.0", "23.5", "24.0", "24.0", 
"24.5", "25.0", "25.0", "25.5", "26.0", "26.0", "26.5", "26.5", 
"27.0", "27.5", "27.5", "28.0", "28.0", "28.5", "28.5", "29.0", 
"29.0", "29.0", "29.5", "29.5", "30.0", "30.0", "30.0", "30.5", 
"30.5", "30.5", "31.0", "31.0", "31.0", "31.5", "31.5", "31.5", 
"31.5", "32.0", "32.0", "32.0", "32.0", "32.5", "32.5", "32.5", 
"32.5", "32.5", "32.5", "32.5", "32.5", "32.5")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

All 28 elements have the same structie (1 column with the same name). I would like to plot all these elements using a simple line graph but then in MULTIPLE plots. The output should thus be 28 plots with the values on the Y-axis and then a horizontal line in each graph where the Y-axis has the value 2. I have tried lapply(list.files, plot) but this doesn't work.

Thanks a lot!

本文标签: rMultiple plots based on list elementsStack Overflow