

Good day Developers,

Please help. on my page it shows page title that I have no idea where to remove. I have checked my themes even changed them. Please if any one can tell me where I need to remove it? I do not understand coding, so if you can just tell me where to 'click' to remove it, that will help millions. I know how to inspect - so maybe you can guide me to the source of this annoyance..


Good day Developers,

Please help. on my page it shows page title that I have no idea where to remove. I have checked my themes even changed them. Please if any one can tell me where I need to remove it? I do not understand coding, so if you can just tell me where to 'click' to remove it, that will help millions. I know how to inspect - so maybe you can guide me to the source of this annoyance..

Home Share Improve this question asked Apr 22, 2024 at 9:01 AnniqueAnnique 1 1
  • Please edit the question to limit it to a specific problem with enough detail to identify an adequate answer. – Community Bot Commented Apr 25, 2024 at 1:25
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1 Answer 1

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Your wordpress using builder or not? If ur site use elementor, edit/create new page with elementor => page settings 'gear icon' & check Hide Title


本文标签: lightwrapper pagetitle