I have an AVAudioSession
(the sharedInstance()
one), I enable it and observe
the outputVolume
of it. That works, it correctly reports the device's volume. After the first .setActive(true)
the .outputVolume
is correct.
However, after I disable the audio session (.setActive(false)
) and enable it once again, calling .outputVolume
gives me the last volume before deactivating the session and not the current device's volume. After I change the volume using physical buttons or Control Center, I get the update in observer with the correct volume. But I need to check the actual device volume after re-activating the audio session.
I want to get the correct device's volume after activating audio session for the second and consecutive times.
Disabling and enabling the audio session is crucial to how my application works.
I've tested this behavior with my colleagues. The problem is present on both iOS 18.0.1 and iOS 18.1. On two iOS 17.6.1 devices, the outputVolume
was reporting a correct value right after calling .setActive(true)
for the second and nth time.
Below is a minimum reproducible example. Steps to reproduce:
- Enable audio session. The volume was initialized with the correct value.
- Click on the volume buttons. The text is updated correctly.
- Disable audio session. Change the volume using physical buttons or the Control Center.
- Enable audio session. The volume (fetched from
) has not been updated. It's as it was right before deactivation.
I'm not iOS/Swift developer so the code itself may be suboptimal.
import AVFoundation
import SwiftUI
struct AudioSessionTestApp: App {
@State private var active = false
@State private var volume = 0.0
@State private var volumeObservation: NSKeyValueObservation?
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ZStack {
fraction: volume
VStack(spacing: 24) {
Text("Audio session active: \(active)")
Button("Toggle") {
active = !active
if active {
} else {
Text("Session volume: \(volume)")
func enableSession() {
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try? session.setActive(true)
try? session.setCategory(.playback)
volume = Double(session.outputVolume)
volumeObservation = session.observe(\.outputVolume) { session, _ in
NSLog("Observed volume change to \(session.outputVolume)")
volume = Double(session.outputVolume)
func disableSession() {
volumeObservation = nil
let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance()
try? session.setActive(false)
extension Color {
var components: (r: Double, g: Double, b: Double, o: Double)? {
let uiColor: UIColor
var r: CGFloat = 0
var g: CGFloat = 0
var b: CGFloat = 0
var o: CGFloat = 0
if description.contains("NamedColor") {
let lowerBound = description.range(of: "name: \"")!.upperBound
let upperBound = description.range(of: "\", bundle")!.lowerBound
let assetsName = String(description[lowerBound ..< upperBound])
uiColor = UIColor(named: assetsName)!
} else {
uiColor = UIColor(self)
guard uiColor.getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &o) else { return nil }
return (Double(r), Double(g), Double(b), Double(o))
func interpolateTo(color: Color, fraction: Double) -> Color {
let s = components!
let t = colorponents!
let r: Double = s.r + (t.r - s.r) * fraction
let g: Double = s.g + (t.g - s.g) * fraction
let b: Double = s.b + (t.b - s.b) * fraction
let o: Double = s.o + (t.o - s.o) * fraction
return Color(red: r, green: g, blue: b, opacity: o)
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