I am writing assembly code for my university course and it is not working at all. I have never written code like this before and I'm unsure what I am doing wrong. The code links to a few other codes for different things. Here is the code:
%include ""
section .data
name_prompt db "Enter your name: ", 0
count_prompt db "Enter the number of repetitions (50-100): ", 0
error_msg db "Error: Number must be between 50 and 100.", 10, 0
welcome_msg db "Welcome, ", 0
newline db 10, 0
section .bss
name resb 128 ; Allocate 128 bytes for the name
num_reps resd 1
section .text
global asm_main ; Declare the function to be used by the C code
extern print_string ; External declarations from
extern read_char
extern read_int
extern print_nl
asm_main: ; Entry point for the C code
push ebp ; Save the base pointer (set up stack frame)
mov ebp, esp ; Move stack pointer into base pointer
; Prompt for name
push name_prompt
call print_string
add esp, 4 ; Properly clean up the stack after calling print_string
; Read the name character-by-character
lea eax, [name]
call read_char_loop
call print_nl
; Prompt for number of repetitions
push count_prompt
call print_string
add esp, 4
; Read number of repetitions
call read_int
mov [num_reps], eax
; Validate repetitions (must be between 50 and 100)
cmp eax, 50
jl invalid_reps
cmp eax, 100
jg invalid_reps
; Print welcome message the number of times specified
mov ecx, [num_reps]
cmp ecx, 0
jle end_loop
push welcome_msg
call print_string
add esp, 4
lea eax, [name]
push eax
call print_string
add esp, 4
call print_nl
dec ecx
jmp print_loop
push error_msg
call print_string
add esp, 4
call print_nl
jmp validate_reps
; Exit program cleanly using the exit system call
mov eax, 1 ; SYS_exit
xor ebx, ebx ; Status code 0
int 0x80
lea edi, [name]
mov ecx, 128
call read_char
cmp al, 10
je end_read_char
mov [edi], al
inc edi
loop read_next_char
mov byte [edi], 0
After running a debugger I believe the segmentation fault is happening within the print_string function which is related to the manipulation of the stack and memory access.
Also "" is this code below:
extern read_int, print_int, print_string
extern read_char, print_char, print_nl
extern sub_dump_regs, sub_dump_mem, sub_dump_math, sub_dump_stack
%macro dump_regs 1
push dword %1
call sub_dump_regs
; usage: dump_mem label, start-address, # paragraphs
%macro dump_mem 3
push dword %1
push dword %2
push dword %3
call sub_dump_mem
%macro dump_math 1
push dword %1
call sub_dump_math
%macro dump_stack 3
push dword %3
push dword %2
push dword %1
call sub_dump_stack
I was given that code and also a code called asm_io.asm which has all of the definitions for the functions and also a c code file like the one below:
int __attribute__((cdecl)) asm_main( void );
int main() {
int ret_status;
ret_status = asm_main();
return ret_status;
enter 0,0
push eax
push dword string_format
call _printf
pop ecx
pop ecx
I am writing assembly code for my university course and it is not working at all. I have never written code like this before and I'm unsure what I am doing wrong. The code links to a few other codes for different things. Here is the code:
%include ""
section .data
name_prompt db "Enter your name: ", 0
count_prompt db "Enter the number of repetitions (50-100): ", 0
error_msg db "Error: Number must be between 50 and 100.", 10, 0
welcome_msg db "Welcome, ", 0
newline db 10, 0
section .bss
name resb 128 ; Allocate 128 bytes for the name
num_reps resd 1
section .text
global asm_main ; Declare the function to be used by the C code
extern print_string ; External declarations from
extern read_char
extern read_int
extern print_nl
asm_main: ; Entry point for the C code
push ebp ; Save the base pointer (set up stack frame)
mov ebp, esp ; Move stack pointer into base pointer
; Prompt for name
push name_prompt
call print_string
add esp, 4 ; Properly clean up the stack after calling print_string
; Read the name character-by-character
lea eax, [name]
call read_char_loop
call print_nl
; Prompt for number of repetitions
push count_prompt
call print_string
add esp, 4
; Read number of repetitions
call read_int
mov [num_reps], eax
; Validate repetitions (must be between 50 and 100)
cmp eax, 50
jl invalid_reps
cmp eax, 100
jg invalid_reps
; Print welcome message the number of times specified
mov ecx, [num_reps]
cmp ecx, 0
jle end_loop
push welcome_msg
call print_string
add esp, 4
lea eax, [name]
push eax
call print_string
add esp, 4
call print_nl
dec ecx
jmp print_loop
push error_msg
call print_string
add esp, 4
call print_nl
jmp validate_reps
; Exit program cleanly using the exit system call
mov eax, 1 ; SYS_exit
xor ebx, ebx ; Status code 0
int 0x80
lea edi, [name]
mov ecx, 128
call read_char
cmp al, 10
je end_read_char
mov [edi], al
inc edi
loop read_next_char
mov byte [edi], 0
After running a debugger I believe the segmentation fault is happening within the print_string function which is related to the manipulation of the stack and memory access.
Also "" is this code below:
extern read_int, print_int, print_string
extern read_char, print_char, print_nl
extern sub_dump_regs, sub_dump_mem, sub_dump_math, sub_dump_stack
%macro dump_regs 1
push dword %1
call sub_dump_regs
; usage: dump_mem label, start-address, # paragraphs
%macro dump_mem 3
push dword %1
push dword %2
push dword %3
call sub_dump_mem
%macro dump_math 1
push dword %1
call sub_dump_math
%macro dump_stack 3
push dword %3
push dword %2
push dword %1
call sub_dump_stack
I was given that code and also a code called asm_io.asm which has all of the definitions for the functions and also a c code file like the one below:
int __attribute__((cdecl)) asm_main( void );
int main() {
int ret_status;
ret_status = asm_main();
return ret_status;
enter 0,0
push eax
push dword string_format
call _printf
pop ecx
pop ecx
Improve this question
edited Nov 24, 2024 at 16:49
Sep Roland
38.8k9 gold badges48 silver badges88 bronze badges
asked Nov 21, 2024 at 15:53
Rhys EvansRhys Evans
111 silver badge1 bronze badge
- What command line do you use to compile and link this code? What OS are you using? – Employed Russian Commented Nov 21, 2024 at 15:57
1 Answer
Reset to default 3You pushed the argument to the stack:
push name_prompt
call print_string
whereas print_string is looking for it inside EAX:
push eax
push dword string_format ; assuming a "%s" constant for printf
call _printf
Suggested fix: pass the address of your string in EAX.
Also it seems to me that the function restores the stack after itself, so you should double-check that add esp, 4
is actually needed.
If there is an explanation on how the IO library you are using expects its arguments to be passed, you should look at it again.
本文标签: x86Assembly code not working need help finding the issueStack Overflow
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