

Is there any way to extract the endpoint path template as input for Tapir endpoint (to be used inside of the serverLogic)? Something like in(extractFromRequest(_.uri)) but not from ServerRequest but from Endpoint

So instead of /create-user/john I would like to get /create-user/{username}

Is there any way to extract the endpoint path template as input for Tapir endpoint (to be used inside of the serverLogic)? Something like in(extractFromRequest(_.uri)) but not from ServerRequest but from Endpoint

So instead of /create-user/john I would like to get /create-user/{username}

Share Improve this question edited Nov 21, 2024 at 21:30 Matzz asked Nov 21, 2024 at 17:12 MatzzMatzz 6921 gold badge9 silver badges17 bronze badges
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1 Answer 1

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The method you are looking for is showPathTemplate from Endpoint object.

Just doing something like the following would be enough to get that value

  .showPathTemplate() // this returns /some-path/{some-user}

showPathTemplate the method has some params if you need to customize the value returned

A full example to use the template path inside your business logic could be like the following

// just a case class to use it as an output response
case class PathAndUserResponse(path: String, user: String)

// the json serialization, in my case I use jsoniter for this example
implicit val jsonCodec: JsonValueCodec[PathAndUserResponse] =

// the endpoint definition without the businessLogic
val endpointSpec = endpoint

// the template path is just an string
val templatePath = endpointSpec.showPathTemplate()

// the endpoint with the logic implemented using the template path
val fullEndpoint = endpointSpec
  .serverLogic[Future](user =>
          templatePath, // the template path extracted from the endpoint definition used inside the business logic
          user // the user received in the path param

A unit test that validates you are getting the expected output following the docs from tapir - testing. In this case I'm using scala test

lazy val stubBackend =

val userValue = "user-value"

  .map(_.body.value should be(PathAndUserResponse(templatePath, userValue)))

From the scaladoc of showPathTemplate

  /** Shows endpoint path, by default all parametrised path and query components are replaced by {param_name} or {paramN}, e.g. for
    * {{{
    *"p1" / path[String] / query[String]("par2"))
    * }}}
    * returns `/p1/{param1}?par2={par2}`
    * @param includeAuth
    *   Should authentication inputs be included in the result.
    * @param showNoPathAs
    *   How to show the path if the endpoint does not define any path inputs.
    * @param showPathsAs
    *   How to show [[Tapir.paths]] inputs (if at all), which capture multiple paths segments
    * @param showQueryParamsAs
    *   How to show [[Tapir.queryParams]] inputs (if at all), which capture multiple query parameters
  def showPathTemplate(
      showPathParam: (Int, PathCapture[_]) => String = (index, pc) => => s"{$name}").getOrElse(s"{param$index}"),
      showQueryParam: Option[(Int, Query[_]) => String] = Some((_, q) => s"${}={${}}"),
      includeAuth: Boolean = true,
      showNoPathAs: String = "*",
      showPathsAs: Option[String] = Some("*"),
      showQueryParamsAs: Option[String] = Some("*")
  ): String

you can also see the value showPathTemplateTestData from EnpointTest with different endpoint definitions and the expected output

  val showPathTemplateTestData = List(
    (endpoint, "*"),
    (""), "/"),
    ("p1"), "/p1"),
    ("p1" / "p2"), "/p1/p2"),
    (endpoint.securityIn("p1").in("p2"), "/p1/p2"),
    ("p1" / path[String]), "/p1/{param1}"),
    ("p1" / path[String].name("par")), "/p1/{par}"),
    ("p1" / query[String]("par")), "/p1?par={par}"),
    ("p1" / query[String]("par1") / query[String]("par2")), "/p1?par1={par1}&par2={par2}"),
    ("p1" / path[String].name("par1") / query[String]("par2")), "/p1/{par1}?par2={par2}"),
    ("p1" / auth.apiKey(query[String]("par2"))), "/p1?par2={par2}"),
    ("p2" / path[String]).mapIn(identity(_))(identity(_)), "/p2/{param1}"),
    ("p1/p2"), "/p1%2Fp2"),
    (, "/" + pathAllowedCharacters),
    ("p1" / paths), "/p1/*"),
    ("p1").in(queryParams), "/p1?*"),
    ("p1" / "p2".schema(_.hidden(true)) / query[String]("par1") / query[String]("par2").schema(_.hidden(true))),
    ("not" / "allowed" / "chars" / "hi?hello"), "/not/allowed/chars/hi%3Fhello")

also it is the method used in the observability module to add the labels

import sttp.tapir.server.metrics.MetricLabels

val labels = MetricLabels(
  forRequest = List(
    "path" -> { case (ep, _) => ep.showPathTemplate() }, // here
    "protocol" -> { case (_, req) => req.protocol }
  forResponse = Nil

本文标签: scalaHow extract endpoint path template in TapirStack Overflow