I'm trying to make a graph with Observable plot in Node.js, but on the graph it shows only some of the data and not all the dots that should.
async function CultureChart(data, t= 7, skew= 0) {
try {
// Import required libraries
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const Plot = await import('@observablehq/plot');
// Set up a virtual DOM
const { document } = new JSDOM(`<!DOCTYPE html><body></body>`).window;
// Map emotions to colors
const emotionColor = {
positive: "green",
negative: "red",
// Create the plot without the threshold
const plot = await Plot.plot({
inset: 10,
color: { legend: true, type: "categorical" },
marks: [
Plot.density(data.filter((d) => d.emotion), {
weight: (d) => d.emotion === "positive" ? 1 - skew : 1 + skew,
x: "Culture",
y: "Innovation",
stroke: (d) => emotionColor[d.emotion],
strokeOpacity: 0.5,
clip: true,
thresholds: t,
}), => d.emotion), {
x: "Culture",
y: "Innovation",
stroke: (d) => emotionColor[d.emotion],
fill: (d) => emotionColor[d.emotion],
// Adjust opacity based on skew: if skew is high, reduce opacity (make dot invisible)
strokeOpacity: (d) => {
const opacity = d.emotion === "positive" ? 1 - skew : 1 + skew;
return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, opacity)); // Ensure opacity stays between 0 and 1
fillOpacity: (d) => {
const opacity = d.emotion === "positive" ? 1 - skew : 1 + skew;
return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, opacity)); // Ensure opacity stays between 0 and 1
// Append the plot to the DOM
// Return the SVG
return document.body.innerHTML;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error generating chart:', error);
return `<p>Error generating chart: ${error.message}</p>`;
exports.Culturechart = async (req, res) => {
const filter = req.body.filter;
const thresholds = req.body.thresholds;
// Query to get Culture (x), Innovation (y), and their IDs
const query = `
CAST(x AS double precision) AS x,
CAST(y AS double precision) AS y
type = false`;
// Query to get emotion values by ppid
const emotionQuery = `
try {
// Execute both queries
const pointResult = await pool.query(query);
const emotionResult = await pool.query(emotionQuery);
// Check for empty results
if (pointResult.rows.length <= 0 || emotionResult.rows.length <= 0) {
return res.status(204).send('No data in the database');
// Create a mapping of emotions by pointposition ID
const emotionMap = emotionResult.rows.reduce((map, row) => {
const emotionValue = parseInt(row.emotional, 10); // Ensure emotional is treated as an integer
// Categorize emotion based on the value
let emotionCategory;
if (emotionValue < 50) {
emotionCategory = 'negative';
} else {
emotionCategory = 'positive';
// Map ppid to categorized emotion
map[row.ppid] = emotionCategory;
return map;
}, {});
// Map the result to include Culture, Innovation, and Emotion
const data = pointResult.rows
.map(row => {
const cultureValue = row.x || null; // x is the Culture value
const innovationValue = row.y || null; // y is the Innovation value
const emotionValue = emotionMap[row.ppid] || 'neutral'; // Default to neutral if not found
return {
ppid: row.ppid, // Ensure each row has its unique ID
Culture: cultureValue,
Innovation: innovationValue,
emotion: emotionValue
.filter(item => item.Culture !== null && item.Innovation !== null); // Remove missing values
// Generate the chart with the updated data
const chartSvg = await CultureChart(data,thresholds);
// Wrap the SVG chart into an HTML response
const htmlResponse = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>SVG Chart</title>
// Send the HTML response with the chart SVG
res.set('Content-Type', 'text/html');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error generating chart:', error);
res.status(500).send('Error generating chart');
in array "data" there is 100 line of data, I have tried to search and to modify some parameters but nothing works. I added how I call the function It's loaded with a plotController.js and plotRoutes.js index.js call routes and frame the browser I go "http://localhost:3000/plot/Culturechart"
本文标签: nodejsObservable PlotStack Overflow
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