

I am trying to create my own http server without using any low-level builtin library except ctypes but things are going terribly wrong.

My configuration is correct: IP address is correct, port is available, I have root privileges, using AF_INET (IPV4 connection) tcp_protocol with sock stream.

My config file includes:

    "ipv4_connection" : 2,
    "available_port" : 8081,
    "host_address" : [127, 0, 0, 1],
    "sock_stream" : 1,
    "tcp_protocol" : 0

I have created a ctype socket object using ctypes.Structure and everything looks good:

class SocketDeclaration(ctypes.Structure):
        -- load this instance when you have to bind the socket to the given address !
    _fields_ = [
        ('sin_family', ctypes.c_short),
        ('sin_port', ctypes.c_ushort),
        ('sin_addr', ctypes.c_ubyte * 4)

    def __init__(self):
        self.config = ConfigurationFetcher()
        self.sin_family = ctypes.c_short(self.config.ipv4_connection)
        self.sin_port = ctypes.c_ushort((self.config.available_port >> 8) | (self.config.available_port << 8))
        self.sin_addr = (ctypes.c_ubyte * 4)(*self.config.host_address)

The issue here is that despite getting the wrong answer from this call of bind

result = self.libc_object.bind(socket_object, instance_reference, instance_size)

from a method to handle errors gracefully being called as:

# Binding Socket to the Address
socket_instance = SocketDeclaration()
_ = self.bind_socket(new_socket, ctypes.byref(socket_instance), ctypes.sizeof(socket_instance))

it doesn't set the errorno value to -1. My exception object says "unable to bind ; Code = success" - why?

For further clarification the address sin_address is a reference to the object and not values, socket file descriptor returns 3 which is a valid response. I know syntax and just unable to figure about what is wrong.

strace shows that I have some kind of invalid argument as sin_addr but after reading a lot of documentation I just end up asking for the solution from any expert.

Any kind of help would be appreciated !

I literally tried everything; from changing ports to changing address! My machine is Kali kernal 6.10.11-amd64. I studied documentation from 5 sources including Python documentation, IBM, Stackoverflow, Chatgpt, Meta ai and it doesn't work!

本文标签: httpPython ctypes libc bind method Wrong AnswerStack Overflow