

Is there a way to effectively cancel or abort an on going download from the AWS Java SDK v2 S3TransferManager? Looks like there are a few ways to pause and resume downloads, but no way to abort the download entirely. (?)

Context: SpringBoot application downloading data from S3 to on-prem using the AWS Java SDK v2 with the S3TransferManager configured with multipart transfers using an S3AsyncClient with temporal credentials.

Need: I need to be able to cancel certain downloads that are taking more time than a give threshold.

  • Client configuration
 SdkAsyncHttpClient httpClient = AwsCrtAsyncHttpClient.builder()                 
 KeyGeneratorResponse keys = objectMapper.readValue(                             
 StaticCredentialsProvider staticCredentialsProvider = StaticCredentialsProvider 
                 keys.getSecretKey(), keys.getSessionToken()));                  
 MultipartConfiguration multipartConfiguration = MultipartConfiguration          
 S3AsyncClient s3AsyncClient = S3AsyncClient.builder()                           


this.transferManager = S3TransferManager.builder().s3Client(this.s3Client)          
  • Download code:
            DownloadFileRequest downloadFileRequest = DownloadFileRequest.builder()
                    .getObjectRequest(req -> req.bucket(bucket).key(key)).destination(localFile)

            FileDownload download = s3Config.getTransferManager().downloadFile(downloadFileRequest);
            CompletedFileDownload downloadResult = downloadpletionFuture().join();

本文标签: javaAbort S3TransferManager downloadsAWS SDK 2Stack Overflow