

I have event website. I want send reminder about event exactly 2 hours before the event to subscribers.

So how can schedule wordpress to call the function exactly at time.

I know about wp_schedule and cron. But that doesn't helps me.

Don't recommend plugins. Because I am developing custom plugin. So what is the correct way to do that.

Example: if event start time is today 11:30 pm , I want to remind the event subscribers at exactly 9:30 pm.

I have event website. I want send reminder about event exactly 2 hours before the event to subscribers.

So how can schedule wordpress to call the function exactly at time.

I know about wp_schedule and cron. But that doesn't helps me.

Don't recommend plugins. Because I am developing custom plugin. So what is the correct way to do that.

Example: if event start time is today 11:30 pm , I want to remind the event subscribers at exactly 9:30 pm.

Share Improve this question asked Nov 23, 2016 at 19:37 GowriGowri 8614 gold badges19 silver badges37 bronze badges 2
  • 2 Wouldn't it be simple adding a cron than runs each 10 min and that checks the difference between now (time()) and 11:30 pm to check if >= 2 hours (HOUR_IN_SECONDS * 2) then send the reminder? – Ismail Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 19:45
  • 2 @SamuelElh is correct here, a cron is really the only way of doing this. – socki03 Commented Nov 23, 2016 at 20:58
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1 Answer 1

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I second SamuelElh comment and YES cron is the way to go. BUT, which cron? The Wordpress implementation of cron is a tricky implementation. How? Actually it is a cron fired by the visits your site gets, both (back-end and front-end), so, if your site is not getting a visitor every 10 minutes as suggested by Samuel, then your Wordpress will be missing cron schedule and may not send the e-mails on time.


With that said, and if your site is getting enough hits to keep the cron going on time then it is as easy as adding:

To your Plugin page, this is hourly but change as you like:

register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'cron_activation_function'); //to add cron to the cron table when plugin gets activated.
add_action('the_name_tag_of_your_cron_in_cron_table', 'the_cron_function_to_run');
register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'cron_deactivation_function'); //to remove cron from the cron table when plugin gets deactivated.

function cron_activation_function()
    if (!wp_next_scheduled('the_name_tag_of_your_cron_in_cron_table')) {
        wp_schedule_event(time(), 'hourly', 'the_name_tag_of_your_cron_in_cron_table');

function cron_deactivation_function()

function the_cron_function_to_run() 
    //do what ever you want then send the emails

I hope this answers your question. Happy coding :)

本文标签: wp cronSchedule reminder at exact time