

I have a text file I'm trying to process that contains 2 pieces of data, and put that into a kml file for use in google earth.

The text file has repeating lines that look like this:

302201300410005,+CCI: 3022013,-32,99.9,32,412.3125,78,27,42,-68

The line with $GPRMC is the output of a GPS receiver, the line with +CCI is the output of a radio receiver with various parameters I'm trying to log. The intent is to generate a kml file with every lat/long point marked with the radio receiver data in the description of the point.

The primary issue I've run into is that I can't for the life of me get the kml file generated. I'm more or less following the simplekml tutorial using:'file.kml')

Now I've tried just a file name and using a full path but no file is generated. No error output either, not sure whats going on. I have used print(kml.kml()) and there is the expected output, not sure why the file isn't saving.

I'm not a programmer, i use python because it's (generally) easy for me to automate some of the more monotonous things.


#import LA_names
import os
import csv
import simplekml

ccilist = ("MNI","RSSI","BER","LA","Freq","C1","nLA","nC2","nRSSI")
latlong = False
data = False
desc = ''

fp=input('Enter file path: ')
check_fp = os.path.isfile(fp)

kml = simplekml.Kml(open=1)

single_point = kml.newpoint(name="World",coords=[(0.0,0.0)])

if check_fp == True:
    with open(fp) as file_obj:
        reader_obj = csv.reader(file_obj)
        for row in reader_obj:

            if '$GPRMC' in row:
                latlong = False
                lat = int(str(row[4])[:2])
                lat_mm = float(str(row[4])[2:])
                lat = lat + (lat_mm/60)
                if row[5] == 'S':
                    lat = -abs(lat)
                long = int(str(row[6])[:3])                
                long_mm = float(str(row[4])[2:])
                long = long + (long_mm/60)
                if row[7] == 'W':
                    long = -abs(long)
                latlong = True

            if '+CCI: 3022013' in row:
                desc = f"RSSI:{row[2]}dBm\nLA:{row[4]}\nFreq:{row[5]}MHz\nC1:{row[6]}\nnLA:{row[7]}\nnC2:{row[8]}\nnRSSI:{row[9]}dBm"
                data = True

            if latlong == True and data == True:
                pnt = kml.newpoint()
                pnt.description = desc
                pnt.coords = [(long, lat)]
                pnt.shape = 'circle'
                latlong = data = False'Test.kml')
    #print (kml.kml())
    print ("File Not Found")

本文标签: Python amp simplekml module cannot save a fileStack Overflow