I want to detect group sub object bounds from obj file content. In blender for example create obj with sub group CUBE.COLLIDER. In js loader i want center or bounds of CUBE.COLLIDER for later (For physics body). I need simple and pragmatic solution.For example to create exstra data holder for CUBE.COLLIDER group vertices...
What is the l
case? It is unsed flag in my program at the moment.
For now i see g
l 5 19
l 6 20
v -0.515941 -3.226738 -4.906731
v -0.515941 2.340278 -4.906731
Any suggestion ?
Most important code lines:
export class constructMesh {
constructor(objectData, inputArg) {
this.inputArg = inputArg;
this.objectData = objectData;
this.create(objectData, inputArg);
this.setScale = (s) => {
this.inputArg.scale = s;
initMeshBuffers(, this.create(this.objectData, this.inputArg));
this.updateBuffers = () => {
this.inputArg.scale = 1;
initMeshBuffers(, this.create(this.objectData, this.inputArg));
create = (objectData, inputArg, callback) => {
if(typeof callback === 'undefined') callback = function() {};
let initOrientation = [0, 1, 2];
To solve the issue of duplicate Vertices (the `(vertex, [texture], normal)`
groups), while iterating through the face lines, when a group is encountered
the whole group string ('16/92/11') is checked to see if it exists in the
packed.hashindices object, and if it doesn't, the indices it specifies
are used to look up each attribute in the corresponding attribute arrays
already created. The values are then copied to the corresponding unpacked
array (flattened to play nice with WebGL's ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER indexing),
the group string is added to the hashindices set and the current unpacked
index is used as this hashindices value so that the group of elements can
be reused. The unpacked index is incremented. If the group string already
exists in the hashindices object, its corresponding value is the index of
that group and is appended to the unpacked indices array.
var verts = [],
vertNormals = [],
textures = [],
unpacked = {};
// unpacking stuff
unpacked.verts = [];
unpacked.norms = [];
unpacked.textures = [];
unpacked.hashindices = {};
unpacked.indices = [];
unpacked.index = 0;
// array of lines separated by the newline
var lines = objectData.split('\n');
// update swap orientation
if(inputArg.swap[0] !== null) {
swap(inputArg.swap[0], inputArg.swap[1], initOrientation);
var VERTEX_RE = /^v\s/;
var NORMAL_RE = /^vn\s/;
var TEXTURE_RE = /^vt\s/;
var FACE_RE = /^f\s/;
var WHITESPACE_RE = /\s+/;
for(var i = 0;i < lines.length;i++) {
var line = lines[i].trim();
var elements = line.split(WHITESPACE_RE);
if(VERTEX_RE.test(line)) {
// if this is a vertex
verts.push.apply(verts, elements);
} else if(NORMAL_RE.test(line)) {
// if this is a vertex normal
vertNormals.push.apply(vertNormals, elements);
} else if(TEXTURE_RE.test(line)) {
// if this is a texture
textures.push.apply(textures, elements);
} else if(FACE_RE.test(line)) {
// if this is a face
split this face into an array of vertex groups
for example:
f 16/92/11 14/101/22 1/69/1
['16/92/11', '14/101/22', '1/69/1'];
var quad = false;
for(var j = 0, eleLen = elements.length;j < eleLen;j++) {
// Triangulating quads
// quad: 'f v0/t0/vn0 v1/t1/vn1 v2/t2/vn2 v3/t3/vn3/'
// corresponding triangles:
// 'f v0/t0/vn0 v1/t1/vn1 v2/t2/vn2'
// 'f v2/t2/vn2 v3/t3/vn3 v0/t0/vn0'
if(j === 3 && !quad) {
// add v2/t2/vn2 in again before continuing to 3
j = 2;
quad = true;
if(elements[j] in unpacked.hashindices) {
} else {
var vertex = elements[j].split('/');
// vertex position
unpacked.verts.push(+verts[(vertex[0] - 1) * 3 + initOrientation[0]] * inputArg.scale);
unpacked.verts.push(+verts[(vertex[0] - 1) * 3 + initOrientation[1]] * inputArg.scale);
unpacked.verts.push(+verts[(vertex[0] - 1) * 3 + initOrientation[2]] * inputArg.scale);
// vertex textures
if(textures.length) {
unpacked.textures.push(+textures[(vertex[1] - 1) * 2 + 0]);
unpacked.textures.push(+textures[(vertex[1] - 1) * 2 + 1]);
// vertex normals
unpacked.norms.push(+vertNormals[(vertex[2] - 1) * 3 + 0]);
unpacked.norms.push(+vertNormals[(vertex[2] - 1) * 3 + 1]);
unpacked.norms.push(+vertNormals[(vertex[2] - 1) * 3 + 2]);
// add the newly created vertex to the list of indices
unpacked.hashindices[elements[j]] = unpacked.index;
// increment the counter
unpacked.index += 1;
if(j === 3 && quad) {
// add v0/t0/vn0 onto the second triangle
} else {
console.log(':::::::obj loader:::::::::::', line)
this.vertices = unpacked.verts;
this.vertexNormals = unpacked.norms;
this.textures = unpacked.textures;
this.indices = unpacked.indices;
return this;
export var downloadMeshes = function(nameAndURLs, completionCallback, inputArg) {
// the total number of meshes. this is used to implement "blocking"
var semaphore = Object.keys(nameAndURLs).length;
// if error is true, an alert will given
var error = false;
// this is used to check if all meshes have been downloaded
// if meshes is supplied, then it will be populated, otherwise
// a new object is created. this will be passed into the completionCallback
if(typeof inputArg === 'undefined') {
var inputArg = {
scale: 1,
swap: [null]
if(typeof inputArg.scale === 'undefined') inputArg.scale = 1;
if(typeof inputArg.swap === 'undefined') inputArg.swap = [null];
var meshes = {};
// loop over the mesh_name,url key,value pairs
for(var mesh_name in nameAndURLs) {
if(nameAndURLs.hasOwnProperty(mesh_name)) {
new Ajax().get(
(function(name) {
return function(data, status) {
if(status === 200) {
meshes[name] = new constructMesh(data, inputArg);
} else {
error = true;
console.error('An error has occurred and the mesh "' + name + '" could not be downloaded.');
// the request has finished, decrement the counter
if(semaphore === 0) {
if(error) {
// if an error has occurred, the user is notified here and the
// callback is not called
console.error('An error has occurred and one or meshes has not been ' + 'downloaded. The execution of the script has terminated.');
throw '';
// there haven't been any errors in retrieving the meshes
// call the callback
var _buildBuffer = function(gl, type, data, itemSize) {
var buffer = gl.createBuffer();
var arrayView = type === gl.ARRAY_BUFFER ? Float32Array : Uint16Array;
gl.bindBuffer(type, buffer);
gl.bufferData(type, new arrayView(data), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
buffer.itemSize = itemSize;
buffer.numItems = data.length / itemSize;
return buffer;
export var initMeshBuffers = function(gl, mesh) {
mesh.normalBuffer = _buildBuffer(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.vertexNormals, 3);
mesh.textureBuffer = _buildBuffer(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.textures, 2);
mesh.vertexBuffer = _buildBuffer(gl, gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.vertices, 3);
mesh.indexBuffer = _buildBuffer(gl, gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, mesh.indices, 1);
OUTPUT FOR ELSE : (console.log(':::::::obj loader:::::::::::', line))
:::::::obj loader::::::::::: # Blender 4.1.1
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: # www.blender
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: mtllib door1.mtl
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: g Cube_Mesh
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: s 0
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: usemtl Material
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: l 1 17
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: l 2 18
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: l 5 19
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: l 6 20
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: g Cube.ME.COLLIDER_Mesh
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: s 0
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: g Cube.ME.COLLIDER2_Mesh
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader::::::::::: s 0
app.js:1976 :::::::obj loader:::::::::::
本文标签: webglDeterminate groups in parsing obj 3d model in javascriptStack Overflow
版权声明:本文标题:webgl - Determinate groups in parsing obj 3d model in javascript - Stack Overflow 内容由网友自发贡献,该文观点仅代表作者本人, 转载请联系作者并注明出处:, 本站仅提供信息存储空间服务,不拥有所有权,不承担相关法律责任。如发现本站有涉嫌抄袭侵权/违法违规的内容,一经查实,本站将立刻删除。