

Hope you can help me! I would like to change the headers of all blog posts in 'recent posts' so they stand out more. Currently it is difficult to discern one post from the other. If the font of the headers would be a bit larger and have another font type than the post text, that would help a lot. When I change the typography via the menu on the right, all text changes (both headers and post text). See below the current code of 'latest-posts'. Should I add something there?

This is my website: /

<!-- wp:group {"layout":{"type":"constrained"}} -->
<div class="wp-block-group"><!-- wp:latest-posts {"postsToShow":50,"displayPostContent":true,"displayPostContentRadio":"full_post"} /--></div>
<!-- /wp:group -->

本文标签: How to change layout of headers in 39latest posts39