

I’m trying to use serverSide: true with DataTables in an older CakePHP project (CakePHP Version: 2.x), but I’m running into issues. When I enable the server-side option, the table doesn’t load correctly—instead, it just displays the raw JSON response.

Here’s my JavaScript code for initializing the DataTable:

$('#tier-management-table').DataTable({ "stateSave": true, "pageLength": 200, "pagingType": 'simple', "processing": true, "serverSide": true, });

And here’s the CakePHP code I’m using to return the data as a JSON response:

$this->set(array( 'response' => $response, '_serialize' => 'response' ));

I’m new to CakePHP and not sure what I’m missing. How can I ensure that the DataTable properly loads the data from the server? Any help would be appreciated!

本文标签: javascriptHow can I use pagination in DataTable used in cakePHP2Stack Overflow